
One year later, what can we learn from the humpback whale’s journey from Québec City to Montréal?
It left millions astonished, concerned, dazzled and sensitized, even as the province was under lockdown. The juvenile (2 to 4 years…

Singer Pomme Releases Song for Belugas
To underscore her concern for wildlife conservation and especially for belugas, singer Pomme chose to write a tune about these…

Amazing Pilot Whales
It is perhaps the least known marine mammal species in the St. Lawrence. And for good reason: sightings are occasional…

Minke Whale Calf
Side by side, two minke whales swim off Pointe Noire near the town of Baie-Sainte-Catherine. One of them is clearly…

Porpoises, Already!
Porpoises are usually expected in these parts beginning in late June. But this year, at least two harbour porpoises have…

Resting, Pupping and Moulting: The Importance of Getting Out of the Water for Seals
Even if they are marine mammals, seals have to return to land for some of their activities. Amphibious in nature,…

“Secrets of the Whales”: Diving Deeper after Watching the Series
They love. They mourn. They play. They share. Whales live in complex societies, each with its own culture. This is…

Under the Bellies of Cetaceans, Under the Fur of Seals
On April 15, a seasonal resident of Pointe-des-Monts takes advantage of the mild weather in April to open his chalet…

Blue Whales, Fin Whales, Humpbacks… All at Once!
The island of Newfoundland forms an obstacle between the Atlantic and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. If you’re a whale…

First Minke Whale in the St. Lawrence and Le Souffleur in the Caribbean
Every spring in late March or early April, the smallest of the rorquals is usually the first of the seasonal…

United Nations Kicks off Decade of the Oceans
When the United Nations launches a theme, it’s not merely symbolic. From 2021 to 2030, the theme will be the…

First Beluga Carcass of 2021 Found in Tadoussac
On March 27, a beluga carcass was discovered in Tadoussac by an individual who was out for a stroll. The…

What is it that I see?
One of the challenges of whale watching is how long it takes for but a fraction of a body to…

Seals Invade the Shorelines
Now that the ice has receded from the St. Lawrence, seals must find new platforms out of the water to…

GNL Québec: BAPE Commissioners Concerned for Beluga
Quebec's environmental assessment agency, the Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement (BAPE), which has been tasked with evaluating the Énergie Saguenay…

Humpbacks and Belugas in the Gaspé
On the other end of the line, his voice cracks with excitement. Jean Roy is the owner of Gaspé-based cruise…

The Thrill of the Season’s First Spouts
In eastern Quebec, the weather is getting milder, migrating birds are beginning to arrive, and icebreakers are freeing the waters…

Belugas Weathering the Storm
Off Les Bergeronnes, a herd of forty to fifty belugas frolic. GREMM Scientific Director and beluga expert Robert Michaud interrupts…

Harbour Porpoise Succombs to Dolphin Attacks
For the harbour porpoise, human activities are not the only threats it faces. The smallest cetacean in the St. Lawrence…

Global Round-up of Whale News
Whale and seal sightings are scarce these days. Over the course of the past week, we’ve received reports of a…

A Humpback and a Blue Whale on the North Shore
Two large rorquals sparked a good deal of excitement this week: a humpback whale in the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park…

One in Two Fin Whales Already Entangled
The number of fin whales frequenting the Gulf of St. Lawrence that bear entanglement marks and scars is much higher…

Between the snow squalls, a small group of belugas weaves its way through the ice floes off Les Bergeronnes on…

Young Grey Seal Found in Magdalen Island Interior
When a young grey seal is found nearly a kilometre inland in the Magdalen Islands, what’s the best course of…

Harp Seal Season
“I’ve never seen so many seals on this side of the peninsula,” exclaims one observer posted in the Gaspé town…

From Tadoussac to the Bahamas: The Journey of Ti-Croche the Fin Whale
The fin whale Bp955, a.k.a. “Ti-Croche”, has just revealed precious secrets on the migratory movements of its species. On October…

Aramis the Humpback in the Dominican Republic!
In winter, the majority of humpback whales that frequent the St. Lawrence are believed to be hundreds of kilometres away,…

Following Comprehensive Analysis, Cause of Death of Montréal Humpback Remains Undetermined
Despite having analyzed cross-referenced data on the body condition, behaviour and the carcass of a female humpback that visited Montréal,…

Where’s the ice?
As one might expect during the winter, whale sightings are becoming increasingly scarce. A few belugas and scattered large spouts…

Cetaceans: Champion Divers
One of the challenges of observing whales is the long dives that the animals take. The lives of whales take…

Patience Pays Off
The 2019-2020 holiday season had been particularly busy with sightings, to the point that we published a map of the…

Why go to the Caribbean when you have the St. Lawrence?
Observers are simply astonished to report the continued presence of minke whales, humpbacks and fin whales once again this week.…

Cetacean Stranded Alive: Call First
Whether it is a whale, a porpoise or a dolphin that you find stranded on the beach or swimming in…

Bearded Seal and Large Spouts
Its bushy whiskers glisten in the afternoon sunlight. Its little head approaches a rock. For a minute or so, the…

The Quebec Marine Mammal Emergency Response Network Thanks Its 187 Volunteers
What would the Quebec Marine Mammal Emergency Response Network (QMMERN) be without its 187 volunteers? Thanks to the 160 hours…

More Action in the Gaspé
For residents of the Gaspé, whales are still entertaining observers, while elsewhere sightings are becoming increasingly rare. On November 28…

Foraging Minke Whales
When passing close to shore, minke whales can swim lazily or slice through the water like rockets. These days, observers…

Dolphin Runs Aground in Magdalen Islands But Returns to Sea
A dolphin found itself in an awkward position on November 21 near Gros-Cap, in the Magdalen Islands. Out for a…

Feasting and Breaching!
Minke and humpback whales are soaring in the air these days, while other members of their species bustle about at…

Kayakers in the mouth of a humpback: lessons learned
The video of two kayakers getting caught in the mouth of a humpback has been viewed around the world. Off…

Whale concert in Gaspé Bay
Late in the day on November 9, a symphony of spouts resonates off the coast of Cap-aux-Os in the Gaspé…

The ice is back… And so are the winter seals!
Whether on shore, on the rocks or on ice, seals can appear throughout the Gulf of St. Lawrence or the…

White Spouts in the Chilly Air
If you are a seasoned observer (read: hundreds of hours of observation at a minimum) and weather conditions allow, certain…

Holding on to Beauty
A white beluga swims with a darker-skinned beluga at its side. Most likely a mother and her calf. The two…

Beluga Carcass in Cacouna
A beluga carcass washed up in Cacouna on October 18, 2020. This young male is the fifteenth beluga to be…

To go, or not to go?
From Cap de Bon-Désir in Les Bergeronnes, Renaud Pintiaux counts two humpbacks and eight fin whales through his binoculars on…

Cruises Finished… Sightings Continue!
In the past few days, the whale-watching cruise season has ended, both on the North Shore and in the Gaspé Peninsula.…

“The Best Season”
Early fall is the best time of year for whales!” says Renaud Pintiaux, who has been watching cetaceans nearly every…

Fall Dolphins
“What? Dolphins? Here?” wonders one reader. For many people, when the talk turns to dolphins, the first thing that comes…

Herds of Whales
One after the other, cavernous blows burst into the air, leaving six white, cylindrical columns that slowly fade into oblivion.…

Globetrotters and Giant Sleepers
In summertime, are you the type of person who returns year after year to the same campsite or same chalet,…

Moratorium Requested in Saguenay to Protect Belugas
More than half of all St. Lawrence belugas and two-thirds of females frequent the Saguenay. This finding was made by…

Right Whales, Ocean Sunfish and Beluwaves
Raging winds over the St. Lawrence have been stirring up waves there since August 25. Landbound observers scan the sea,…

Breaching Fin Whale and Moments of Grace
There are pictures you only take once in your life. This one comes to us from off the coasts of…

Troubled Humpback in the Marine Park
Updated to August 25, 2020 Despite active search parties by fishery officers and collaborators, the entangled humpback whale was not…

The Fragile Immensity of the Blue Whale
The largest animal on Earth – even bigger than the largest dinosaur – the blue whale impresses with its sheer…

Narwhal Still Present in the St. Lawrence
On August 4, a speckled back contrasts with the white backs of belugas swimming below the Pointe-Noire land observation platform…

Expanded Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre Opens!
After months of diligent efforts, a work site put on hold by COVID-19 measures and numerous challenges along the way,…

Action in the Gaspé and the Estuary
Atlantic white-sided dolphins by the hundreds, fin whales by the dozens, acrobatic humpbacks: observers in the Gaspé have had plenty…

Let’s get loud
Have you ever heard a minke whale feeding at the surface? What a ruckus! An explosive spout is heard and,…

When they move, they move!
July 9: Off the coast of Matane, a humpback whale takes a dive. All eyes focus on its black-and-white tail;…

Some Days You Get Lucky, Some Days You Don’t
The number of observers on the water and on shore is on the upswing. However, some days, despite all their…

Belugas in Baie Sainte-Marguerite Bay and return of the dolphins
July 1, Fjord-du-Saguenay National Park. In the dusty light at the end of the day, light breaths appear for a…

Belugas and minke whales take centre stage
After a week brimming with observations, local residents have noted a slow-down in whale activity in recent days. Is the…

Young Bearded Seal in Laval
A young bearded seal is observed from June 23 to June 28 at the BoBiNo marina in Laval. This species…

Whales and Calves
Witnessing a whale accompanied by a baby – also known as a calf – brings observers great joy. But when…

A Little Stroll Out to Sea
With the return of warmer weather, kayakers and boaters are setting out to go fishing, enjoy the saline air or…

Dead Humpback Found in Varennes Victim of Ship Strike
On June 10, the team from Université de Montréal’s Faculty of Veterinary Medicine performed a necropsy on the whale, meaning…

Visiting Humpback in Fluvial Estuary (Québec City – Montréal)
The humpback as an ambassador for a greater cause We understand the emotional aspect of the situation. Local residents who…

Breaching Near the Docks, Feeding Near the Beach
It’s not just the humpback whale in Montréal that’s making waves! On June 1, an observer takes advantage of a…

Sometimes, Best Way to Help Whale is to Leave It Alone
Many people have been writing to us to express their concern about the humpback whale currently in Montréal. We appreciate…

Things are picking up again!
Five greyish-blue backs contrast with the still snow-capped Chic-Chocs in the Gaspé. A black back near the bridges of Québec…

First Beluga Carcass of 2020 on the Shores of the St. Lawrence
A beluga carcass washed ashore in Matane late in the day on May 15. This is the first case this…

New Record Season in Sight for Humpbacks?
The jagged black-and-white tails of humpback whales are prompting shouts of joy from observers in Les Bergeronnes, Franquelin and Port-Cartier’s Rivière-Pentecôte sector this…

A Cumulus in the Water and a Whale in the Sky
Observers occasionally send us some of their whale photos. Depending on the species, GREMM’s team examines these photos in the…

Six Species of Whales Reported
During the summer months, thirteen species of whales feed in the rich waters of the St. Lawrence. Some species are…

No Whaling in Iceland This Year
In Iceland, the two main commercial whaling companies have announced in the past few days that they will not be…

You want whales?, here you go!
For cetacean enthusiasts, April is synonymous with the return of these great migrants. Increasing numbers of them are coming to…

White Backs, Black Backs, Grey Backs and a Hunchback!
From Haute-Côte-Nord to Charlevoix, belugas continue to delight observers. On April 24, a herd of about seven was spotted swimming…

An Extra Boost from the Tide
April 15: “I’m watching a herd of belugas entering the Saguenay right now,” remarks Renaud Pintiaux on the other end…

One, two, seven… twelve belugas!
In the course of our round of calls, most of our observers say they are delighted to be seeing migrating…

COVID-19: Whales in Your Living Room – Part II!
Whether you’re on the North Shore or in the Gaspé Peninsula, when you live near the St. Lawrence, it’s easy…

Large Rorquals in Cap-des-Rosiers
"Finally, our first observation of 2020!” writes in an observer residing in Cap-des-Rosiers in the Gaspé Peninsula. On March 29, a…

COVID-19: Whales in Your Living Room
Whether you’re on the North Shore or in the Gaspé Peninsula, when you live near the St. Lawrence, it’s easy…

First Report of a Minke Whale in 2020
We received the first report for 2020 of a minke whale in the St. Lawrence! It was an individual out…

Two Blue Whales Amidst the Ice Floes
The engines of the Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker CCGS Amundsen vibrate beneath the feet of researchers hailing from a dozen…

Antibiotic Treatments for Whales: A Challenge
Across Canada and the US in early January, North Atlantic right whale experts, marine mammal veterinarians and whale rescue specialists…

North Atlantic Right Whales: New and Continuing Measures in 2020
Speed limits reduced to 10 knots in certain areas, closure of fishing zones, increased surveillance: the Government of Canada has…

Belugas: Whales Suited for Winter
When you’re passionate about whales, you really are. For the past fifteen years, Renaud Pintiaux has been a volunteer, employee,…

Two Humpbacks off Pointe-des-Monts
Pointe-des-Monts, February 8: You don’t need a thermometer to know the air is frigid: sea smoke hangs over the St.…

GNL Québec Promises Fund to Curb Underwater Noise Pollution
In a press release, GNL Québec has undertaken to set up a $5M fund to support projects reducing the underwater…

Born in Warm Waters
Before heading south to more temperate climates, let’s take a brief look at sightings here in the St. Lawrence. Posted…

Calving Humpback Caught on Film for First Time
February 3, off the coast of Maui, Hawaii: The captain of a whale-watching cruise observes three humpback whales. According to…

Born on the Ice
Humpback whales travel to warm Caribbean waters to give birth, while North Atlantic right whales calve in the waters of…

Ice: Marine Mammals’ Friend… and Foe
"The ice is starting to form": this observation is being made almost everywhere along the St. Lawrence of late. Its…

Surprising Numbers of Whales as 2020 Kicks Off
Blues, fins, humpbacks. Minke whales. Belugas. Even harbour porpoises! Not to mention thousands of harp seals and harbour seals. The…

A Few Seals and Minke Whales
With the onset of winter, observations are becoming fewer and farther between. Most cetaceans have migrated to the Caribbean or…

World Marine Mammal Conference in Barcelona: Spotlight on the St. Lawrence!
Some 2,500 biologists, veterinarians, conservationists and wildlife managers from 95 countries are gearing up to gather in Barcelona for the…

In Search of the Sperm Whale
November 27: In GREMM’s (Group for Research and Education on Marine Mammals) offices in Tadoussac, staff members are busy working…

Dozens of Humpbacks and Thousands Of Seals Linger On
With the short days of November and the appearance of the first ice, observers on the water are growing more…

Leaving the Estuary
November 20, Cap de Bon-Désir in Les Bergeronnes: our collaborator Renaud Pintiaux settles down to take a few pictures of…

Multiple Species in a Single Glance
For his last outing of the season, a recreational fisherman sets out in La Tabatière, in Quebec’s Basse-Côte-Nord region. While his…

En Route to Winter Quarters
As the number of eyes scanning the water decreases, the number of sightings reported is also on the decline. Are…

The Whale and the Raven : a documentary about the orcas and humpback whales of British Columbia
A new documentary was just released by the National Film Board of Canada. Here is the synopsis. «On the otherwise…

Pilot Whales?
Two observers, one in Les Escoumins (north shore), the other in Baie-des-Sables (south shore), asked the following question this week:…

Activist Greta Thunberg Meets with GREMM
On September 30, leading climate activist Greta Thunberg accompanied the scientific research team of the Group for Research and Education…

Autumn is for Humpbacks
Seven black-and-white tails rise into the air one after the other before disappearing into the dark river. “It’s a ballet…

Minke Whales and Their Flair
Perhaps because they prefer coastal habitats, minke whales are one of the most frequently observed cetacean species in the St.…

Right Whale Carcass Found in US Identified As Snake Eyes
The North Atlantic right whale carcass found off Long Island, New York on September 16 was identified by the New…

A three-way ballet… a race in which body touches body. All around the massive but elegant blue whales, water splashes,…

Whales in the Storm
The sighting map appears a little sparse this week. Have all the whales left? Not necessarily. Weather conditions prevented many…

“Losing the Saguenay acoustic refuge means risking irreparable impacts to belugas”
The Group for Research and Education on Marine Mammals (GREMM) is publishing a video to answer the many questions that…

Humpback Entangled off Forillon Park
Late in the day on August 25, 2019, the Quebec Marine Mammal Emergency Response Network receives a report for a…

Humpbacks Aplenty and Blue Whale Tails!
A long-time observer and former resident of Tadoussac sets out on a whale-watching cruise on September 1. The skyscape reflects…

Video of Beluga Playing with a Gull
A video of a beluga taking a gull in its mouth, following it around and even trying to taunt it…

Summer not quite over for the whales
August 28: A bright-eyed naturalist returns to the wharf in Percé. No sooner does the boat leave the docks when…

Live Stranded Sowerby’s Beaked Whale Near Île Verte
On the afternoon of August 25, a beaked whale is observed dangerously close to the shores of Île Verte. The…

Thirteen Humpback Whales and Their Little Ones
We often talk about endangered species, but we rarely emphasize how well other species are doing. And humpback whale populations…

Out of the Ordinary
August 7: At the lookout in Baie Sainte-Marguerite in the Saguenay Fjord National Park, a naturalist scans the bay for…

Voice Your Opinion of the “Impact of Noise on the Beluga Whale at Risk in the St. Lawrence Estuary” Action Plan
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, together with numerous collaborators, has produced an action plan entitled “Impact of noise…

Cetacean Acrobats
The pointed head and long, slender body rise to the sky like a rocket before the animal lands heavily on…

Twelfth Beluga Carcass This Year Found on the Banks of the St. Lawrence
A beluga carcass washed up in the Gaspé town of Les Méchins on August 6. The newborn beluga still had…

PhD Project: Sources of Emerging Organic Contaminants to the Habitat of Endangered St. Lawrence Estuary Beluga
Project St. Lawrence Estuary (SLE) Beluga has been designated as an endangered species since 2014 by the Committee on the…

Right Whales: Lifting of Speed Restrictions and Stranding of Fourth Carcass
Aerial surveillance over the past few weeks has not identified any North Atlantic right whales in dynamic speed limit corridors.…

New PhD project : Environmental Contaminants, Body Condition and Photogrammetry of St. Lawrence Estuary Belugas
Project Title Environmental Contaminants, Body Condition and Photogrammetry of St. Lawrence Estuary Belugas Project Synopsis The St. Lawrence Estuary (SLE)…

Tiny Calf Will Become Giant
Calves spend their time learning to swim, hunt and move with agility by imitating their mother and other adults. Within…

PhD Scholarship Opportunity at UQO on belugas and recreational boating
PHD SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY Agent-based modelling of recreational boating in the St. Lawrence Estuary and the Saguenay River (Québec, Canada) to…

Seventh and Eighth Right Whale Carcasses Found
Two new cases of dead right whales have been confirmed today by Fisheries and Oceans Canada. According to the ministry,…

First Dolphins of the Year and a Great-Grandmother
Measuring 2 to 2.7 metres long, their toned bodies are black, white, grey and yellowish-beige. Atlantic white-sided dolphins! Fifteen or…

Tougher Prevention Measures to Protect North Atlantic Right Whales
Speed restrictions applied to a larger fleet, increased aerial surveillance, expanded speed limit area... The Government of Canada is announcing…

Female beluga DL0584 dies while giving birth
An eighth beluga carcass washed up on the banks of the St. Lawrence River on July 4. The individual has…

Fins on the Horizon!
Although whales were scarce in the Bonaventure Island sector last July, this year they have been plentiful. “We're spoiled,” says…

Right whales: disentanglement efforts progress
Right whales EG4423 and EG4440 are now swimming a little lighter since shedding some of the rope that had been…

Four Necropsies, Three Collisions
Preliminary results of the fourth North Atlantic right whale necropsy have just been announced by Fisheries and Oceans Canada. The…

Large Rorquals from the North Shore to the Gaspé Peninsula
In calm weather, the spouts of large rorquals can be heard hundreds of metres away, but above all, they can…

Six Right Whales Found Dead in Gulf of St. Lawrence
Fisheries and Oceans Canada confirms that two new North Atlantic right whale carcasses have been found, one on the coast…

Two New Carcasses and Second Right Whale Necropsy for 2019
The Government of Canada announced in a press release that it had discovered two new carcasses offshore, near the Acadian…

Entangled Minke Whale in Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park
A minke whale ensnared in fishing rope was reported to the Quebec Marine Mammal Emergency Response Network (QMMERN) by passengers of…

Tic Tac Toe, Snowball et Leprechaun
Le 16 juin en après-midi, la mer est lisse et silencieuse devant les Grandes-Bergeronnes. Soudain, deux larges dos noirs apparaissent.…

Whale-watching Cruises Banned from Parts of Marine Park
Whale-watching cruises will no longer be able to ply the waters of certain sectors of the Saguenay–St. Lawrence Marine Park.…

Tiny Fish Fall Prey to Teeth and Baleen
Nearshore reports of “large whales” picked up in intensity this week. In Godbout, in Quebec’s Côte-Nord region, humpback whales venture…

The First Right Whale Necropsy of 2019
The North Atlantic right whale identified as Wolverine is currently analyzed on Miscou Island, New Brunswick. The necropsy requires the…

Right Whale Carcass Found Adrift in Gulf of St. Lawrence
A first North Atlantic right whale carcass has been discovered this year. North Atlantic right whales are considered endangered and…

Return of a Star?
The hastily composed email betrays the excitement of its sender. The observer just photographed a fin whale with a particularly…

Beluga Belatedly Heads Back to Rejoin its Pod!
Since April 23, a beluga that could be described as a “vagrant” has been observed around the Gaspé Peninsula. The…

Industrial port developments on the Saguenay: a beluga’s perspective
Four industrial port development projects on the banks of the Saguenay River are in their final stages or have completed…

A Play Dedicated to Whale Researcher and Rescuer Jon Lien
Between Breaths highlights the unusual life story of Jon Lien (1939-2010), a pioneer of whale research in Canada. It is…

Minke Whales Everywhere
From the Gaspé to the Côte-Nord, minke whales have been appearing in the waves in recent days. In the St.…

Sanctuary for Retired Belugas: A World First
Two belugas currently living in an aquarium in Shanghai, China, are getting ready to fly to Iceland. The two whales…

New Species for the Season
In Sept-Îles, in Quebec’s Côte-Nord region, a long-time observer sets sails on a friend's boat for the first time this season.…

Grab your binoculars and let’s go!
Tuque, mittens, binoculars, one field guide for birds and another for whales: a couple is gearing up for a road…

Agendas for Belugas
What could be better than an agenda featuring whales to place them at the heart of our day-to-day concerns? This…

Return of the Belugas
March 24: “They’re back!” says our collaborator Renaud Pintiaux. From a coastal road in Port-au-Saumon, not far from Saint-Siméon, he…

“First of the Year”
“My first whale for 2019!” exclaims a whale-watching outfitter in the Gaspé Peninsula. His first observation was made through his…

Space to breath
On March 6, while walking on the beach near the Cap-des-Rosiers lighthouse, an observer noted the presence of harbour seals…

Contaminated belugas : Major project launched to understand contamination and its effects
To protect an endangered species, one needs to understand the factors inhibiting its recovery. In the case of the St.…

Prince Albert II of Monaco foundation (Canada) offers $150,000 for St.Lawrence beluga research
Montréal, March 5, 2019: In the presence of His Serene Highness Albert II, Sovereign Prince of Monaco and several directors…

Marine mammals on the ice and humpbacks in the Caribbean
Off the Gaspé Peninsula town of Newport, 50 or so seals bask on the ice. To observe them, it’s best to…

Humpback Entangled in 2017 Spotted Alive!
The resilience of whales never ceases to amaze us! By analyzing photos taken in the summer of 2018, the Mingan…

Godbout is where the action is!
A tiny village of just over 300 inhabitants, Godbout is located in the Côte-Nord (North Shore) region between Baie-Comeau and…

February Blues
It was a perfect day for whale-watching. Light winds, calm sea, light conditions that were neither blinding nor too dim.…

Right whales : similar measures for 2019
The North Atlantic right whale protection measures for 2019 have been announced, and will include measures better suited to the…

Climate bill to give whales a little boost?
A few days before Christmas, the Pact for Transition offered a “climate anti-deficit” bill to Quebec Premier François Legault. This…

Pinnipeds Galore!
A herd of harp seals is enjoying a break in the ice cover off the docks in Les Escoumins. The…

Like a tornado of snow
The list of observations this week reads more like a weather report: sea smoke, ice floes, gusts, snow squalls, howling…

A Rare Blue Whale
January 12: After weeks of seeing nothing but drifting ice and seals on the move, a large spout draws the…

A New Year of Observations Begins
As 2018 was winding down, one observer in Bonaventure in the Gaspé Peninsula observes three tall puffs, all appearing at…

A Few Final Breaths to Say Goodbye
Cap-d’Espoir, December 15. The black backs of two humpback whales emerge from the dark water. Their rounded spouts and the…

Balloon-shaped spouts
December 8: Gaspé Bay is glowing in the sun. A balloon-shaped spout erupts from the water surface, followed by a…

Right whales : the situation in 2018
2017 was a grim year for the North Atlantic right whales. The deaths of 18 right whales created a shock wave…

The Nepisiguit River beluga… off Prince Edward Island
Professional scuba diving students were surprised to be joined by a beluga whale during a dive in Summerside Harbour last…

Whales and Seals Amid the Ice Floes
"They're breaching!" exclaims an innkeeper from Forillon, in the Gaspé Peninsula. It's December 3 and the week is off to…

North Atlantic right whales : strong presence continues in 2018
The southeastern Gulf of St. Lawrence was home to nearly half of the North Atlantic right whale population this summer,…

When The Waves Calm Down
The extreme weather of the past few days has not been very conducive to marine observations. In addition to repeated…

Three Big Blues
“Three big blues!” exclaims an observer. He observes the three majestic animals Sunday morning 3 or 4 nautical miles south…

A Sperm Whale, Again!
We all have our favourite species, including our favourite whales. For our collaborator Renaud Pintiaux, “The sperm whale is a…

Worrying St. Lawrence beluga mortality trend continues in 2018
The tragic plight of the St. Lawrence beluga population continues. Once again this year, researchers are highly concerned about the…

Fewer Eyes on the Water, but Whales Remain
“Can killer whales be seen in Gaspé Bay?” asks a kayaker out at sea with a group near Grande-Grave, off…

Red Foliage and Colourful Backs
The cruise ship Narval III of the whale-watching company Croisières Baie de Gaspé docked for the last time on October 11, and…

Chills and Thrills : Autumn Sightings
On the wharf used by the Mingan Island Cetacean Study (MICS) in Longue-Pointe-de-Mingan, a thin coat of frost glistens. “Time to migrate south!”…

Protecting species at risk : “Ottawa not doing enough“, says environment commissioner
Delays in the development of action plans, lack of resources, lack of support to partner organizations, neglect that has likely…

With the belugas… at full throttle!
Clear blue sky, low winds, calm sea… The perfect conditions for a productive day of photo-identification and photogrammetry. All we…

A Forest of Spouts
On September 23, no sooner does the cruise begin when the captain yells out “Breach!” Off Les Bergeronnes, the 15-metre long…

Full breach!
Thirty-three! Thirty-three times, a minke whales breached before a dumbstruck observer standing on the pink granite of Pointe Rouge overlooking Tadoussac…

Whale- “Listening”
With a hesitation in her step, she walks down the ramp to the boat launch in the Tadoussac marina, where a Zodiac…

Wave of solidarity for belugas
The summer of 2018 has seen a succession of announcements for investments and new projects designed to better understand and…

September Blues
Just before students head back to school and knitting season returns, the long Labour Day weekend has allowed thousands of…

Port developments on the Saguenay: Fisheries and Oceans Canada experts sceptical
Two marine terminal development projects could triple maritime traffic in the Saguenay and lead to a 10% increase in traffic…

Gannets Galore!
With her tuque snug over her ears, one observer marvels at three gannets as they dive in unison off the…

Sperm Whale in Sight!
"It's been a dream season," says a captain/naturalist as he shares a video of a sperm whale he shot off…

Great Week for Observations
“In 51 years of watching whales, I’ve never seen that!” At the end of the line, the voice of our…

A head, a Tail, a Body Out of the Water!
July 31: A pointed snout pierces the surface and rises like a skyscraper out of the waters off Les Bergeronnes.…

Little Bundles of Life
They're about one-third the size of an adult and still stick close to their mothers' sides. Calves of several species…

The Nepisiguit beluga is alive and well
Great news! The beluga that was trapped in the Nepisiguit River in New Brunswick and relocated to the St. Lawrence…

Identifying Humpbacks X and Zip
July 7: Having made the trek from Newcastle, England to watch whales, an observer sets up post on the rocks…

100-metre buffer established for observing whales in Canada
Marine mammal conservationists have reason to celebrate: From now on, it will be forbidden to approach within 100 metres of…

Fishing Season Ends with No Reported Incidents Involving Right Whales
Over the next few days, the lobster and snow crab seasons will end in most parts of the Gulf of…

Where There Is Prey, There Are Whales!
"Unbelievable! It's hot even out on the water," exclaims a GREMM volunteer research assistant participating in the photo-ID program for…

We Wouldn’t Want to Be a Capelin…
Does this photo show five whales or six? Their gaping mouths are about to clamp down on masses of quivering…

A new measure for belugas in the marine park
Calving season for St. Lawrence belugas is right around the corner, and to provide these animals with an area of…

Young live seal on the river banks: do not disturb!
If you see a young seal on the beach, let it rest. The months of May and June are pupping…

27 right whale sightings later, a normal fishing season
Five aircraft conducting aerial surveillance have spotted up to 27 right whales this season, which has resulted in several fishing…

First right whale observed in Canadian waters
Off the coast of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, the first right whale of the season was observed during aerial surveillance…

Would it be possible to fit more whales with location transmitters in order to prevent collisions?
If ships knew exactly where the whales were, could we reduce the number of collisions? A number of you have…

Record Number of Humpbacks Identified in 2017
The Mingan Island Cetacean Study (MICS) was able to identify 121 humpback whales in 2017, a record number! Of these, 98…

Right whales: measures to prevent entanglements and collisions
Although changes made to the fishing season are of concern to many workers, be they fishermen or processing plant employees,…

Right whales: an entangled whale named Kleenex
Researchers call her Kleenex. Known since 1977, this right whale has been swimming with a rope wrapped around her head…

Earth Day 2018: We all take a bit of the blame
Earth Day will be celebrated around the world on April 22. In Quebec, the tone is more severe than in…

New fishery management measures in effort tu curb right whale mortality
Four new management measures for the snow crab fishery have been announced by Fisheries and Oceans Canada Minister Dominic LeBlanc…

White Spouts in a White Landscape
On the afternoon of January 8, an observer is driving down the "Whale Route" toward Sept-Îles. Upon her arrival at…

Studying reproduction like two matching pieces of a puzzle
Do female dolphins have any control over which male they reproduce with? The question seems straightforward, but the method of…

Right whales still present in gulf
At least 15 right whale sightings were made in the Gulf of St. Lawrence during the week of November 17,…

Stranded newborn beluga in Alaska still in intensive care
Since being found stranded alive on September 30, the newborn beluga of the Cook Inlet population is still in intensive…

#SMM2017 Day 5: Cry of the Heart
That's it, the marathon of presentations is over! The 22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, held in…

#SMM2017 Day 4: Piggybacking on Others’ Ideas
The onslaught continues: lectures, flash presentations, videos, plenaries, posters and discussions with colleagues hailing from every continent. A biennial is…

#SMM2017 Day 3: Intriguing New Technologies
Day 3 of the 22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. Some of the faces amongst the thousands…

#SMM2017 Day 2: New Technologies, Coloured Ropes and Information-packed Brains
Fifteen-minute presentations, four-minute flash communications and five-minute science videos: a total of 141 presentations were delivered at Scotiabank Centre in…

#SMM2017 Day 1: Focus on Conservation
Day 1 of the 22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals in Halifax. Already, our heads are filled…

Whales Online at the 22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals
From October 22-27, the Whales Online team will be covering the 22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals…

Rescue in Progress: Stranded Newborn Beluga in Alaska
It measures just 162 cm and weighs a mere 64.5 kg. A newborn beluga just two to four weeks old was found…

Raising Funds to Support Belugas and Killer Whales
From coast to coast, Simons is supporting research on St. Lawrence belugas and Pacific killer whales by symbolically adopting Artsea…

Let’s Talk Whales! Online consultation on endangered whales
With Let’s Talk Whales, the Government of Canada is launching a comprehensive online public consultation on protective measures to implement…

St. Lawrence Week: Humpback Whale
As part of St. Lawrence Week, Whales Online offers a glimpse of species that have a special meaning for each…

St. Lawrence Week: A Tribute to the Whales
During the St. Lawrence Week, from June 3 to June 11 2017, Whales Online features every day a different whale…

St. Lawrence Week: Minke Whale
As part of St. Lawrence Week, Whales Online offers a glimpse of species that have a special meaning for…

What was learned from the exceptional red tide of August 2008?
In an interview with Whales Online, phytoplankton ecology researcher Michel Starr from Fisheries and Oceans Canada answers the following question:…

The Capelin are Rolling!
They're back! Whether it's in Baie-Comeau on the North Shore, or in Chandler in the Gaspé Peninsula, the capelin are…

Studying Whale Breath: New Discoveries and Techniques
A Canadian-US research team has undertaken a study on the fungi and bacteria found in the breath of southern resident…

White, Black, Blue, Gray Animals…
Belugas, blue whales, humpbacks, minke whales, three species of seals ... the variety of marine mammals seen in the past…

What is a “water column”?
In a number of Whales Online articles, the term "water column" is used. What does this refer to? From the…

Earth Day 2017: Three Gestures for the Whales
For the occasion of Earth Day (April 22), Whales Online proposes three simple actions to help preserve the ecosystems that…

Quantifying the Number of Belugas in the St. Lawrence
Article by Robert Michaud Fisheries and Oceans Canada recently published the results of the most recent St. Lawrence beluga census,…

Where does the Estuary end and the Gulf begin? And what would make a species better adapted to the Gulf than to the Estuary?
When we speak of the St. Lawrence, we often hear the terms “Estuary” and “Gulf”. What do they mean? Where…

Amendment to the marine activities in the Saguenay-St.Lawrence park regulations: greater protection for whales
Reduced speed for all boats in certain areas, prohibition of certain activities, clarification of the definition of disturbance to marine…

A New Face
Dear readers, The most observant amongst you may have noticed a new name beneath some of our articles in the…

Can a whale be identified by its behaviour?
Many researchers identify whales using photo-identification, thus by their physical appearance. But can they identify individuals based on their behaviour?…

Call of the Baby Beluga aired on National Geographic
Interview with Michael Parfit and Suzanne Chisholm, director and producer National Geographic's prestigious TV channel Nat Geo Wild will broadcast…

Harbour Porpoise Shows Fastest Developing Hearing Amongst Mammals
Thirty hours: that’s all it takes for harbour porpoises to develop their hearing to the same level as adults. In…

Vancouver Aquarium: end of captivity for cetaceans
On March 9, after two evenings of public hearings, the Vancouver Parks Commission decided: there will be no more cetaceans…

Why is plastic sometimes found in the stomachs of whales?
How is it that 30 plastic bags find their way into the stomach of a cetacean? The issue was raised…