
Educational Podcasts on Marine Mammals
Itching to set sail in search of marine mammals? Virtual experiences are available thanks to the following list of podcasts…

Skeletons Moved to Tadoussac’s Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre
Friday, May 15, 9:30 a.m. Fully dressed and knapsack ready to go, I can hardly wait to kick off this special…

Up-close Footage of Nursing Humpback
This video went viral on social networks around the globe. And for good reason. How awesome to view the world…

Calving Humpback Caught on Film for First Time
February 3, off the coast of Maui, Hawaii: The captain of a whale-watching cruise observes three humpback whales. According to…

“Losing the Saguenay acoustic refuge means risking irreparable impacts to belugas”
The Group for Research and Education on Marine Mammals (GREMM) is publishing a video to answer the many questions that…

Video of Beluga Playing with a Gull
A video of a beluga taking a gull in its mouth, following it around and even trying to taunt it…

What do Belugas Teach Us about the St. Lawrence and about Ourselves? (5/8)
Beluga stories: this is the fifth episode of the transcript of the training lecture given by Robert Michaud at the…

Cap sur les baleines, Episode 4: Olivia Capeillere
Olivia Capeillere crossed the Atlantic to follow her passion for the titans that inhabit the St. Lawrence. As a naturalist…

What do Belugas Teach Us about the St. Lawrence and about Ourselves? (4/8)
Beluga stories: this is the fourth episode of the transcript of the training lecture given by Robert Michaud at the…

What do Belugas Teach Us about the St. Lawrence and about Ourselves? (3/8)
Beluga stories: this is the third episode of the transcript of the training lecture given by Robert Michaud at the…

Cap sur les baleines, Episode 3: Simon Gauthier
Professional storyteller Simon Gauthier pounds the pavement, his backpack chock full of tales, baleinophone in hand. The pioneer of whale…

What do Belugas Teach Us about the St. Lawrence and about Ourselves? (2/8)
Beluga stories: this is the second episode of the transcript of the training lecture given by Robert Michaud at the…

What do Belugas Teach Us about the St. Lawrence and about Ourselves? (1/8)
Beluga Stories: a presentation by Robert Michaud at the CIMM on June 22, 2015, presented here in eight episodes to…