Tagobservation des baleines

The St. Lawrence and the Colours of Fall
In the St. Lawrence, the blazing colours of the coast contrast with the dark backs of humpback whales, the bright…

The Big Blue
Viewed from the window, a powerful blast erupts from the river’s murky waters. From the comfort of their own home,…

Rorquals in the Fjord and Sperm Whales
A new species is visiting the Gulf of St. Lawrence for the first time this year: the sperm whale. In…

Lucky Eight?
Eight humpback whales were identified over the past week in the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park. At the other end of…

Gaspar, Guadeloupe and Aramis Put on a Show!
Although the start of the season has been a quiet one, whales seem to have finally arrived in the St.…

Large Rorquals in the Gulf
This week, large rorquals were present all around the gulf. A blue whale made an appearance near Sept-Îles, minke whales…

Blue Whale Spout on the Horizon
Off the coast of Sept-Îles, a huge blast rises into the air, then another. Clearly visible from shore, these blows…

From Swimming Giants to Flying Gulls
Sunny days, seabirds flying gracefully over the river as they forage for food, reflections in the crystal clear water and…

Wintertime Seals, Whales and Belugas
This week, winter lovers were able to take advantage of the short, sunny days to admire seals, belugas, minke whales…

Big gulps in the bay
The day is calm with a quiet whisper of a wind, while out in the bay, a few dark spots…

Not one… not two… but six humpbacks!
This week, a few humpback whales were still present in the St. Lawrence and residents were even treated to an…

Action on the Horizon
Whether watching through their binoculars, through the lens of their camera or with their own two eyes while squinting from…

Teamwork for Whale Protection
Protecting the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park requires teamwork. Research makes it possible to better understand various issues related to the…

Where do whales get their scars?
Some whales bear reminders of their past. Sometimes inconspicuous, sometimes more pronounced, scars of all shapes and sizes mark the…

Cetaceans by the Dozen
A dozen or so humpback whales have been observed in Gaspé Bay over the past week. A few individuals approach…

Autumn Winds
Mariners are well aware that in fall, storms often produce strong winds from the east or northeast. While some enthusiasts…

Five New Discoveries about the North Atlantic Right Whale
For scientists, the endangered North Atlantic right whale is a source of both fascination and concern. This is why a…

Fog-shrouded Waters
This past week was marked by the presence of fog almost all across the St. Lawrence. Mingan Islands, La Malbaie,…

White beaks, speckled grey backs and golden spouts
Out on the water, the mild conditions over the last few days have allowed for the observation of a number…

Dolphin, harbour porpoise or…fish ?
It is a beautiful evening of observation, a magnificent sunset, a refreshing breeze, a most grandiose panorama. The eyes turned…

Are there fewer whales in the St. Lawrence this season?
On both shores of the St. Lawrence, many folks are concerned about the paucity of whales observed in the river…

Exceptional Tours in the Estuary
Everyone was surprised this week when not one, but two endangered species ventured into the St. Lawrence Estuary: one North…

A Drive Down the “Whale Trail”
Between Tadoussac and Kegaska, Route 138 hugs the coast of Quebec’s Côte-Nord region for over 850 kilometres. Dotted with magnificent…

Swimming against the current
After the pioneering belugas that ventured into Baie des Ha! Ha! last week, this week it is the humpbacks’ turn to…

Exploratory Belugas
Belugas made headlines this week when a group of a dozen or so individuals was observed in Baie des Ha! Ha!…

Memorable Observations
When it comes to marine mammals, sometimes no two days are alike. For several weeks, a resident of Tadoussac had been…

“Now the season can start!”
A certain enchantment can sometimes develop between whales and the naturalists who observe them. For naturalist and wildlife photographer Renaud…

A Funny Coincidence
Belugas took full advantage of their first day of calm in the Saguenay Fjord. Many light-coloured backs were present in…

Action Near the Coast
From the small harbour porpoise to the titanic blue whale: the wide range of sightings offered by the St. Lawrence…

Humpbacks Stealing the Show!
Exuberant, splashy, and ubiquitous, humpback whales sometimes tend to turn our attention away from other cetaceans. And not only when…

Siam, Tic Tac Toe, Cédille and co.
This week in the St. Lawrence was rich in sightings both magical and emotional: the return of Siam to the…

With visitors (and belugas!)… at the Pointe-Noire Interpretation and Observation Centre
Whether on water or on land, the research activities carried out by the Group for Research and Education on Marine Mammals (GREMM)…

Southern Resident Killer Whales: J-Pod Missing for 108 Days
Since 2013, the southern resident killer whale population has been exhibiting unusual behaviours that are worrying scientists. Strangely enough, this…

The Magic of Dawn and Dusk
It was a bountiful week on the St. Lawrence this week, with spectacular marine mammal viewing to locals and visitors…

With large rorquals… in the rain!
My name is Stéphanie, and I’m one of GREMM’s (Group for Research and Education on Marine Mammals) research assistants for…

Documentary “The Loneliest Whale”: The Importance of Epic Stories to Raise Public Awareness
In the documentary The Loneliest Whale: The Search for 52, a group of scientists sets out to find a whale…

Migration in Full Swing
Migration is truly underway in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and is in full swing at the tip of the…

Dinner is served!
“The capelin are rolling like crazy here in the Gaspé,” says one observer. “At least ten humpbacks have been tallied…

New Tools Available to Maritime Industry for Marine Mammal Protection
The Marine Mammal Observation Network (MMON), the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) and the St. Lawrence Global Observatory (SLGO)…

Educational Podcasts on Marine Mammals
Itching to set sail in search of marine mammals? Virtual experiences are available thanks to the following list of podcasts…

With the whales of Hawaii… virtually!
Looking for a getaway? Here’s a chance to do just that. The 15th edition of Whale Tales will be held…

Where’s the ice?
As one might expect during the winter, whale sightings are becoming increasingly scarce. A few belugas and scattered large spouts…

Cetaceans: Champion Divers
One of the challenges of observing whales is the long dives that the animals take. The lives of whales take…

Whaling: Poised to fizzle out?
In early July, images of whaling sparked a controversy. Sea Shepherd is concerned that Icelandic whalers have slaughtered a blue whale, which…

With the Belugas: Week of August 21, 2017
August 21: The Bleuvet is stationed off of L'Anse-à-la-Boule. The weather is particularly calm. Amidst the last patches of fog…

Do Tides Have an Influence on Whales?
Tides – generally two high and two low per day – generate and influence ocean currents. In turn, these currents…

Cap sur les baleines, Episode 1: Hugues Durocher
Hugues Durocher was literally born on the river. The son of a lighthouse keeper, his life has evolved with the…