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A 2024 Season Marked by Diversity

On both sides of the St. Lawrence, cetaceans and pinnipeds made the telephone lines of the Marine Mammal Emergency Centre…

|Marine Mammal Emergencies 13/2/2025

Sei Whale vs. Bowhead Whale: What’s the Difference?

Despite their similar names in French, the sei whale and the bowhead whale are two very distinct species! To eliminate…

|Whale Q&A 6/6/2024

How can I find work with whales?

In a few weeks from now, scientists will be plying the waters of the St. Lawrence with the aim of…

|Whale Q&A 1/5/2024

2023 Beluga Mortality Assessment: The Trend Continues

According to data from the Quebec Marine Mammal Emergency Response Network (QMMERN), last year saw the recovery of 17 beluga…

|Marine Mammal Emergencies 25/4/2024

Unravelling the Mysteries of Hybridization in Blue Whales

Hunted, threatened, decimated. The largest of giants suffered greatly at the hands of humans throughout the 20th century and is…

|News 11/4/2024

Speed Reductions in the Presence of Whales Prove Effective

Have you ever wondered why speed limits are imposed in certain shipping areas? Part of the answer can be summed…

|News 29/2/2024

Working With Whales: A Dream Come True for Jade-Audrey

When she was just 11 years old, Jade-Audrey already knew she wanted to work with cetaceans. Years later, her childhood…

|News 8/2/2024

North Atlantic Right Whale Calving Season Still Far Under Par

* As of January 29, 2024, the total number of calves born was 16. An exceptional event was observed a…

|News 25/1/2024

Why do humpback whales sometimes interact with algae?

In an immense expanse of blue, a long and slender silhouette gently rises above the water surface. A string of…

|Whale Q&A 9/1/2024

Make way for Perucetus colossus, a sea giant that would have outweighed a blue whale!

Imagine 150 cars piled on top of one another like a mountain. Sounds impressive, doesn’t it? But hold on: it…

|News 14/11/2023

Participatory Science: The Key to Conservation

Whether it’s by reporting your sightings or volunteering with a conservation organization, there’s no wrong way to get involved with…

|News 1/5/2023

A third calf in three years for Tic Tac Toe?

Tic Tac Toe, an easily recognizable female humpback whale with a large “X” on her caudal fin, was seen several…

|Whale Q&A 13/4/2023

40th Year of Beluga Carcass Recovery Program: Persistent Concerns in 2022

Over the past year, 12 beluga carcasses were discovered adrift or on the shores of the St. Lawrence by the…

|Marine Mammal Emergencies 30/3/2023

Right Whale Situation Proves Precarious Once Again

Between entanglements in fishing gear, ship strikes and climate change, the past few decades have been rough for the North…

|News 16/3/2023

Do whales have a navel?

Being mammals, whales have a lot more in common with us than you might think. From breathing to nursing to…

|Whale Q&A 14/3/2023
Rorqual commun

Synchronized Fin Whales

July 13, 2021. Several large spouts erupt off the coast of Sept-Îles. One, two, three blasts. Four, then seven, then…

|News 23/2/2023

Advancing Marine Mammal Research, One Sample at a Time

When a marine mammal carcass is found stranded or adrift in the waters of the St. Lawrence, the Quebec Marine…

|Marine Mammal Emergencies 16/2/2023

Surviving Winter: A Whole Science!

Despite the arctic temperatures of the past week, the marine animals of the St. Lawrence do not seem to have…

|Observation of the Week 10/2/2023

Belugas and Drones: A Call for Caution

Although drones are useful tools for conducting marine mammal research, it is legitimate to wonder what impact they may have…

|News 1/2/2023

Five New Discoveries about the North Atlantic Right Whale

For scientists, the endangered North Atlantic right whale is a source of both fascination and concern. This is why a…

|News 29/9/2022

Colourful St. Lawrence

This week in the St. Lawrence, giants of all colours amazed young and old observers alike. From grey seals to…

|Observation of the Week 25/8/2022

Surveying Whale-Watchers to Better Protect Whales

Ever since the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park was created in 1998, a large number of protective measures have been put…

|News 24/8/2022

Big Return of a Small Cetacean

This week, there was action in the St. Lawrence! In addition to the usual species that seem to be just…

|Observation of the Week 18/8/2022

A Day in the Field with the Quebec Marine Mammal Emergency Response Network

On the evening of June 20, 2022, the Quebec Marine Mammal Emergency Response Network (QMMERN) gets wind that a harbour…

|Field Notes 21/7/2022