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Why do seals come out of the water?

Seals and sea lions share an ancestor that was exclusively terrestrial. Their physiological evolution has left traces and they must…

|Whale Q&A 3/8/2018

Saguenay-St. Lawrence marine park: 20 years of conservation efforts

The Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park as we know it today was created in 1998. However, it took several decades of…

|News 29/6/2018

What makes the St. Lawrence so productive?

The St. Lawrence River is known for its rich waters and high production of phytoplankton, the basis of the food…

|Whale Q&A 24/10/2016

Do humpbacks form clans?

Associations between individuals of the same species are well documented in toothed whales. Indeed, the formation of social "clans" has…

|Whale Q&A 13/8/2016

Do whales use vocal cords to produce sound?

The structures responsible for sound production differ between toothed whales and baleen whales, but exactly how they work remains poorly…

|Whale Q&A 20/11/2015

At What Age do Belugas Begin to Feed on Fish?

A beluga mother typically nurses her offspring for 18 months. At that point, the calf's teeth are very small or…

|Whale Q&A 8/11/2015

What Attracts Grey Seals to the Estuary?

Recently they have been observed gathered in groups of over 50 individuals, hunting in the tide rips. In the fall,…

|Whale Q&A 27/10/2015

Baleen Whales Possess a Unique Intestinal Microbial Flora

Their intestinal flora has characteristics of that of both carnivorous mammals and ruminants. Bacteria similar to those that can degrade…

|Whale Q&A 26/10/2015
© Renaud Pintiaux

US Navy to Limit its Military Activities for the Sake of Whale Conservation

An agreement has been signed between the US Navy and environmental groups to limit military activities that are harmful to…

|News 19/10/2015

How Far Away Can Sperm Whales Detect Their Prey?

In order to be able to feed in waters over 1,500 m deep where light is absent, the sperm whale…

|Whale Q&A 14/10/2015

What are the causes of mortality of the whales being found on the coasts of Alaska and British Columbia in recent months?

Over thirty whales have been found dead off the coasts of Alaska and British Columbia in the past few months.…

|News 5/10/2015

How Can Microscopic Algae Kill a 45-tonne Whale?

[caption id="attachment_14093" align="alignright" width="150"] © Pêches et Océans Canada M Starr[/caption] First and foremost, the many species of phytoplankton are…

|Whale Q&A 27/9/2015

Beaked Whale Ancestors Hunted Mostly Near the Surface

The discovery of a fossil of a beaked whale (Messapicetus gragarius) dating back 9 million years reveals that this animal…

|News 23/9/2015

What do Minke Whales do in the estuary of St. Lawrence?

The minke whale is a fast and agile predator, but as with any marine mammal, it must come to the…

|Whale Q&A 15/9/2015

Can whales experience the bends like divers do?

The bends are a type of decompression sickness associated primarily with divers using a compressed air tank. As the regulator…

|Whale Q&A 9/9/2015
Catalogue grands rorquals

New Version of Large Rorqual Catalogue Released!

The Group for Research and Education on Marine Mammals (GREMM) and Parks Canada, along with their financial partners Fondation de…

|News 3/9/2015

Do Tides Have an Influence on Whales?

Tides – generally two high and two low per day – generate and influence ocean currents. In turn, these currents…

|Whale Q&A 31/8/2015

Which Cultures Still Practise Traditional Whaling?

The International Whaling Commission (IWC) authorizes and regulates so-called aboriginal "subsistence" whaling. It is practised today in Greenland (Denmark), Siberia…

|Whale Q&A 24/8/2015

What are Mass Strandings and What Causes Them?

A beached animal might be sick, exhausted, injured or disoriented. If it is a young individual, it may be due…

|Whale Q&A 17/8/2015

Whales and Dolphins in Aquariums: A Heated Debate

This sensitive topic has been subject of heated debate for decades. The opening of Marine Land Studio in Florida in…

|Whale Q&A 10/8/2015
De l'eau s'échappe de la bouche gonflée d'un petit rorqual

How Do the Ventral Grooves of Rorquals Function?

The word “rorqual” comes from the Norwegian rorkval, which means “tubed” or “furrow-bellied” whale. The name refers to the folds…

|Whale Q&A 6/8/2015

Which Cetacean Species are Extinct?

At the present time, there are very few extinct whales, although some – described later in this article – have…

|Whale Q&A 27/7/2015

How Does Digestion Take Place in Whales?

The digestive systems of whales consists of an esophagus, a compartmentalized stomach (similar to that of ruminants like cows or…

|Whale Q&A 15/7/2015