Professional storyteller Simon Gauthier pounds the pavement, his backpack chock full of tales, baleinophone in hand. The pioneer of whale song classes takes you on a journey from Lyon to Tadoussac, in the footsteps of the first baleinophone, the essential tool of the man who makes the whales sing.

The video is in French:

Cap sur les baleines is a webseries presenting whales through the eyes of those who encounter them on a daily basis. In each episode, enter a new universe, discover a new approach to these giants that inhabit the St. Lawrence.

Directed by Mathilde Michaud

Starring Simon Gauthier

Graphic design by Laurence Fontaine

A GREMM production



View other episodes:

Cap sur les baleines, épisode 1: Hugues Durocher

Cap sur les baleines, épisode 2: Marie Guilpin

Cap sur les baleines, épisode 4: Olivia Capeillere

News - 9/9/2015

Collaboration Spéciale

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