Tagendangered species

North Atlantic Right Whale Calving Season Still Far Under Par
* As of January 29, 2024, the total number of calves born was 16. An exceptional event was observed a…

What is the status of whaling around the world?
Public opinion seems increasingly concerned about the future of whales, which have become over time a symbol of wildlife conservation.…

Why is Baie Sainte-Marguerite closed to watercraft in summer?
[Updated on September 28th] Once again this year, from June 21 to September 21, the Baie Sainte-Marguerite sector remained off-limits…

Right Whale Disentanglement in New Brunswick
On Tuesday, May 11, a major release operation was attempted to come to the aid of Snow Cone, a North…

Belugas’ Age Written in Their Skin
Determining the age of a wild beluga is quite a challenge. So when American researchers announce that they are developing…

What’s happening with North Atlantic right whales in 2021?
With a total population estimated to number fewer than 350 individuals, the North Atlantic right whale is one of the…

Two New Right Whale Mortalities
In the span of just a few weeks, two North Atlantic right whale carcasses were discovered off the coast of…

North Atlantic Right Whale Protection Measures Maintained
The Government of Canada has just announced what measures will be taken this year to protect North Atlantic right whales…

North Atlantic Right Whale Births Give Cause for Hope
The breeding season for North Atlantic right whales is in full swing. As of January 22, 2021, 17 healthy calves…

Just 356 North Atlantic right whales left!
Until recently, researchers still spoke of a population of some 400 North Atlantic right whales. But new estimates released last…

Right Whales in the Estuary: Exceptional Response for an Exceptional Presence
Among its many missions, the Quebec Marine Mammal Emergency Response Network (QMMERN) manages cases of marine mammals known as “vagrants”,…

Fin-Blue Hybrids: A New Challenge for Blue Whale Conservation?
The existence of hybrids resulting from the cross between the two largest animals in the world – the fin whale…

Why is the blue whale so big?
It is bigger than the largest dinosaur. And it weighs roughly 25 times more than the largest living land animal,…

400 Right Whales Left… Now What?
How many North Atlantic right whales are left in the world? If the answer today hovers around 400, for researchers,…

Right Whale Protection Measures: Highs and Lows
Since the start of the year, news concerning protection measures specific to North Atlantic right whales has been like a…

2020 North Atlantic Right Whale Monitoring
The endangered North Atlantic right whale is subject to special surveillance and protection measures. Since 2017, the species has been…

Future sanctuary for captive Belugas in Nova Scotia
Creating a “retirement home” in the open sea that is capable of providing the best possible living conditions for whales…

Military Sonar: A Threat to Blue Whale’s Recovery?
A new study published in Experimental Biology showed that military sonar can affect the behaviour of the blue whales studied off the…

Protecting species at risk : “Ottawa not doing enough“, says environment commissioner
Delays in the development of action plans, lack of resources, lack of support to partner organizations, neglect that has likely…

Banc-des-Américains : a new marine protected Area
The governments of Quebec and Canada have announced the creation of a new jointly-managed marine protected area at the American…

Right whales: measures to prevent entanglements and collisions
Although changes made to the fishing season are of concern to many workers, be they fishermen or processing plant employees,…

Federal government announces new protective measures for right whales
By François Vachon The year 2017 was a particularly grim year for right whales. A total of 17 carcasses were…

An elusive species faces extinction
Researchers are sounding the alarm to prevent the imminent disappearance of the Gulf of Mexico Bryde’s whale. “This mammal is…

New fishery management measures in effort tu curb right whale mortality
Four new management measures for the snow crab fishery have been announced by Fisheries and Oceans Canada Minister Dominic LeBlanc…

Boats to maintain greater distance from killer whales
By next spring, vessels off the coast of British Columbia will no longer be permitted to approach within 200 metres…

Banned flame retardants still present in St. Lawrence belugas
Despite the measures that have been put into place in Canada since 2006 to reduce the concentrations of certain flame…

Vaquita could disappear within a year
On September 26, 2018, scientists aboard the Narval spotted a pair of vaquitas: one of the individuals was much smaller…

Blue Whale Feeding Disturbed by Nearby Watercraft
According to a recent study conducted by researchers at Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and the Rimouski-based Institute of Ocean…

Beluga Skeleton at Collège Lionel-Groulx
Since late August 2016, there has been a new permanent resident in the Nature Wing of the Collège Lionel-Groulx: a…

Safer Fishing Rope for Whales
The US government recently granted $180,000 to the New England Aquarium to design safer fishing gear for whales – namely…