
Does cat poop pose a problem for belugas?
On cat litter bags is a warning for pregnant women concerning a parasite found in cat feces. What is even…

Stranded Grey Whales and Stranded Right Whales: Same Difference?
In early June, the carcass of a female grey whale washes ashore in British Columbia, close to the US border. This is…

Species at Risk: Fin Whales on the Rebound, Concerns for Sei Whales and Sowerby’s Beaked Whales
On May 6, the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) convened in St. John's, Newfoundland, to…

Killer Whale: The Great White’s Greatest Fear
Imagine for a moment that the formidable shark in Jawswere to meet face to face with the friendly orca from…

An ancient whale with neither teeth or baleen
Museum collections are full of fossils that haven’t been carefully examined in years. However, by taking a closer look at…

New status for fin whales: on the road to recovery?
Fin whales may not be the largest of the whales, but they are certainly one of the fastest! This advantage…

Whales stressed up to their ears
Unlike humans, who can clean out the wax that covers their external ear canal (not with Q-tips of course!), whales…

Slowing down, for the whales’ sake
A ship that strikes a whale can cause the latter serious injury. In the St. Lawrence, fin whales are particularly…

Opening of the Northwest passage : marine mammals at risk
With Arctic shipping routes increasingly used by merchant shipping, an ice-free Arctic Ocean could put the resistance and adaptability of…

Menopause in belugas and narwhals
Menopause is a rather rare phenomenon. And yet a study published in Scientific Reports reveals that the females of two species of…

Adapting to Disability
GREMM research assistants photograph a group of belugas. Upon closer inspection, they make a surprising discovery: one of the animals…

Navigating through the Fog
Our observer from Franquelin notes the presence of four minke whales and four porpoises on July 21. A little farther…

Analyzing Underwater Sound as if Playing a Video Game
A simulator of marine mammal movements and shipping traffic will be given a new lease of life thanks to a…

Since whales and ungulates share a common ancestor, are the former able to ruminate?
Whales are carnivores that feed on small shrimp-like crustaceans. Yet their digestive systems do not resemble those of carnivorous mammals.…

Banc-des-Américains : a new marine protected Area
The governments of Quebec and Canada have announced the creation of a new jointly-managed marine protected area at the American…