Tagrorqual commun

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In Search of Large Rorquals

It's 5:45 a.m., and I'm already awake and excitedly waiting for news from the research team of the Group for…

|Field Notes 25/10/2023

Fin whale breach: rare and enigmatic

The Mediterranean Sea is home to a unique population of fin whales that has evolved separately from the North Atlantic…

|News 24/8/2023

Large Rorquals in the Gulf

This week, large rorquals were present all around the gulf. A blue whale made an appearance near Sept-Îles, minke whales…

|Observation of the Week 15/6/2023
Bp920 rorqual commun

Fin Whales Are Back!

This week, marine mammals were not deterred by the snow and wind from parading up and down the St. Lawrence.…

|Observation of the Week 18/5/2023

Why are some whales two-tone?

Many whales feature both dark body parts and light body parts. This is the case for a number of species…

|Whale Q&A 5/4/2023
Rorqual commun

Synchronized Fin Whales

July 13, 2021. Several large spouts erupt off the coast of Sept-Îles. One, two, three blasts. Four, then seven, then…

|News 23/2/2023

Are there fewer whales in the St. Lawrence this season?

On both shores of the St. Lawrence, many folks are concerned about the paucity of whales observed in the river…

|News 15/8/2022

Memorable Observations

When it comes to marine mammals, sometimes no two days are alike. For several weeks, a resident of Tadoussac had been…

|Observation of the Week 14/7/2022

“Now the season can start!”

A certain enchantment can sometimes develop between whales and the naturalists who observe them. For naturalist and wildlife photographer Renaud…

|Observation of the Week 30/6/2022

A Funny Coincidence

Belugas took full advantage of their first day of calm in the Saguenay Fjord. Many light-coloured backs were present in…

|Observation of the Week 23/6/2022

An Oral Plug to Prevent Whales from Choking on Seawater

The rorqual family includes the largest animals on the planet. In order to satisfy their gargantuan energy needs by gulping…

|News 24/2/2022

With large rorquals… in the rain!

My name is Stéphanie, and I’m one of GREMM’s (Group for Research and Education on Marine Mammals) research assistants for…

|Field Notes 3/8/2021

What do we mean by “fidelity” when we talk about whales?

It is sometimes said that Tic Tac Toe, Capitaine Crochet or Ti-Croche are “faithful” whales, but what does this really…

|Whale Q&A 15/7/2021

Beached Fin Whale in Forillon National Park

On June 19, an employee of Forillon National Park discovers a fin whale carcass at the bottom of a cliff…

|Marine Mammal Emergencies 13/7/2021

Migration in Full Swing

Migration is truly underway in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and is in full swing at the tip of the…

|Field Notes 23/6/2021

Field Season Debut and the Return of Two Stars: Tic Tac Toe and Ti-Croche!

Back on the water for the 2021 season. It should be a great summer offshore, between Tadoussac and Les Escoumins.…

|Field Notes 14/6/2021

Educational Podcasts on Marine Mammals

Itching to set sail in search of marine mammals? Virtual experiences are available thanks to the following list of podcasts…

|News 8/3/2021

Cetaceans: Champion Divers

One of the challenges of observing whales is the long dives that the animals take. The lives of whales take…

|Observation of the Week 14/1/2021

Generosity For Your Loved Ones… and For Whales, Too!

The 2020 holiday season will come with its share of challenges, just like the periods of adaptation that we all…

|News 4/12/2020

Studying Fin Whale Distribution to Understand Their Decline

The team at the Mingan Island Cetacean Study (MICS) has been observing fewer and fewer fin whales in the northern…

|News 14/8/2019

Species at Risk: Fin Whales on the Rebound, Concerns for Sei Whales and Sowerby’s Beaked Whales

On May 6, the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) convened in St. John's, Newfoundland, to…

|News 15/5/2019

Do whales suffer from sunburn?

Unlike other mammals, whales do not have hair to protect their skin. Even if they spend little time at the…

|Whale Q&A 15/5/2019

Decline in fin whales in gulf of St-Lawrence

Fin whales in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence are in decline, according to a new study published in the…

|News 4/4/2019

New status for fin whales: on the road to recovery?

Fin whales may not be the largest of the whales, but they are certainly one of the fastest! This advantage…

|News 12/12/2018

Whaling: Do the Whales Hunted in the Nordic Countries Visit the St. Lawrence?

Are the cetaceans targeted by Icelandic or Norwegian whalers the same ones as those that visit us year after year?…

|Whale Q&A 4/9/2018

Whaling: Harvesting Whales in the 21st Century

In early July, images of whaling sparked a controversy. Sea Shepherd is concerned that Icelandic whalers have slaughtered a blue whale,…

|News 22/8/2018

In Pursuit of the Fin Whale

Last July 13, 2017, I spent my day on the water in search of large rorquals to photograph. The weather…

|Field Notes 18/7/2017