
First Beluga Carcass Discovered in Les Escoumins
This is the first beluga whale carcass recovered for the 2022 season under the carcass recovery program initiated in 1983.…

What’s happening with North Atlantic right whales in 2021?
With a total population estimated to number fewer than 350 individuals, the North Atlantic right whale is one of the…

With the belugas… and the unexpected on board the Bleuvet!
On Wednesday, August 8, the Bleuvet team was on the water searching for a herd of belugas to carry out…

Belugas: first carcass for 2018 and recap of 2017
On March 26, the first beluga carcass of 2018 was reported to 1-877-7baleine at Coin-du-Banc in the Gaspé Peninsula. The carcass was…

What NASA data can tell us about mass strandings
Solar storms are not the primary cause of mass cetacean strandings in Cape Cod Bay, claims a new study conducted…

What kind of seal is that?
One observer reported a seal carcass found in Cacouna to the Marine Mammals Emergencies call centre. What species is it?…

Stranded newborn beluga in Alaska still in intensive care
Since being found stranded alive on September 30, the newborn beluga of the Cook Inlet population is still in intensive…

Fresh beluga carcass found in Saint-ulric
The Matane unit of Sureté du Québec contacted 1-877-7baleine after a resident stopped by the station to report a live…

From the sea to the lab: the journey of a beluga carcass (3/3)
In the past two weeks, we’ve tracked the journeys of beluga carcasses from the open sea to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine…

From the sea to the lab: the journey of a beluga carcass (2/3)
From Necropsy to Microscope Last week, we tracked the journey of a female beluga from drifting offshore to the Faculty of Veterinary…

From the sea to the lab: the journey of a beluga carcass (1/3)
Follow the stages of a beluga carcass recovery, from the initial report to the trip to the Faculty of Veterinary…

1-877-7baleine still active as autumn draws near
With the beginning of the school year, the crowds of vacationers are thinning out on the shores of the St.…

Marine mammal emergencies season in full swing
With the call centre team handling dozens of calls daily already in these first few days of August, the season…

Second minke whale stranded in lévis in one year
Update On the afternoon of June 6, veterinarian Stéphane Lair conducted a cursory external exam of the minke whale. It was confirmed…

The Godbout’s humpback whale: another milestone reached!
On May 3, the carcass of a young humpback whale was found beached in Godbout. Following sampling for research purposes,…

Citizens of the St. Lawrence, stay alert! Report any dead or vulnerable marine mammal to 1-877-7baleine
The Quebec Marine Mammal Emergency Response Network (QMMERN) relies on cooperative local citizens and fishermen to promptly report any dead or struggling…

Hundreds of Whales Beached in New Zealand
Last weekend, over 600 pilot whales ran aground at Farewell Spit Beach in New Zealand. Hundreds of volunteers attempted to…

Baby Beluga in the Limelight in 2016
Reported on Radio-Canada’s website by journalist Ariane Perron-Langlois, the story of the live newborn beluga found beached was one of…