
Winding Down the Season
Although the cruise season is drawing to a close, marine mammals don’t seem like they’re quite ready to leave! Almost…

Participatory Science: The Key to Conservation
Whether it’s by reporting your sightings or volunteering with a conservation organization, there’s no wrong way to get involved with…

A Funny Coincidence
Belugas took full advantage of their first day of calm in the Saguenay Fjord. Many light-coloured backs were present in…

Humpbacks Stealing the Show!
Exuberant, splashy, and ubiquitous, humpback whales sometimes tend to turn our attention away from other cetaceans. And not only when…

The Magic of Dawn and Dusk
It was a bountiful week on the St. Lawrence this week, with spectacular marine mammal viewing to locals and visitors…

Migration in Full Swing
Migration is truly underway in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and is in full swing at the tip of the…

Dinner is served!
“The capelin are rolling like crazy here in the Gaspé,” says one observer. “At least ten humpbacks have been tallied…

Between the snow squalls, a small group of belugas weaves its way through the ice floes off Les Bergeronnes on…

St. Lawrence Temperatures on the Rise in 2020
The environment of cetaceans in the St. Lawrence Estuary and Gulf is changing. Peter Galbraith, physical oceanographer at Fisheries and…

Where’s the ice?
As one might expect during the winter, whale sightings are becoming increasingly scarce. A few belugas and scattered large spouts…

Visiting Humpback in Fluvial Estuary (Québec City – Montréal)
The humpback as an ambassador for a greater cause We understand the emotional aspect of the situation. Local residents who…

Fewer Eyes on the Water, but Whales Remain
“Can killer whales be seen in Gaspé Bay?” asks a kayaker out at sea with a group near Grande-Grave, off…

With the belugas… and the unexpected on board the Bleuvet!
On Wednesday, August 8, the Bleuvet team was on the water searching for a herd of belugas to carry out…

With the Belugas… And a Narwhal!
By Mathieu Marzelière and Albert Michaud A new season is getting underway aboard GREMM's Zodiac, the BpJAM. New season, new…

Ti-Croche, artiste and a minke whale in the air
A look back at the observations of the last two weeks off Tadoussac. At the end of May, it was…

Start of 2018 season on the St. Lawrence: a beautiful transition!
Whale-watching cruises in the Tadoussac region resumed on April 27. After six months on land, what a joy it is…

With the Belugas: Week of August 21, 2017
August 21: The Bleuvet is stationed off of L'Anse-à-la-Boule. The weather is particularly calm. Amidst the last patches of fog…

Whale soup
Monday morning, August 7. My vacation kicks off and pushes me to the opposite coastline, in the direction of the…

With the Belugas: Week of July 3, 2017
Identifying Individual Belugas Belugas are not one of the most easily recognizable whale species. They do not systematically show their…

With the belugas: week of June 19, 2017
Rolling the Dice After a first week spent in the upstream sector on the north shore side, the week of…