Tagrorqual bleu

The Big Blue
Viewed from the window, a powerful blast erupts from the river’s murky waters. From the comfort of their own home,…

Large Rorquals in the Gulf
This week, large rorquals were present all around the gulf. A blue whale made an appearance near Sept-Îles, minke whales…

Solo or in groups, the cetaceans are back!
The list of marine species present in the St. Lawrence is getting longer and longer: blue whales and fin whales…

Blue Whale Spout on the Horizon
Off the coast of Sept-Îles, a huge blast rises into the air, then another. Clearly visible from shore, these blows…

From Swimming Giants to Flying Gulls
Sunny days, seabirds flying gracefully over the river as they forage for food, reflections in the crystal clear water and…

Action on the Horizon
Whether watching through their binoculars, through the lens of their camera or with their own two eyes while squinting from…

Exceptional Tours in the Estuary
Everyone was surprised this week when not one, but two endangered species ventured into the St. Lawrence Estuary: one North…

Are blue whales really blue?
That might sound like a funny question! After all, isn’t the blue colour of Balaenoptera musculus, in addition to its…

How much food does a blue whale eat?
Tipping the scales at up to 135 tonnes, the blue whale is the largest animal on our planet. Seeing the…

2021 Season Raises Questions
By René Roy For several years now, I’ve been plying the waters of the St. Lawrence in order to observe…

Documentary “The Loneliest Whale”: The Importance of Epic Stories to Raise Public Awareness
In the documentary The Loneliest Whale: The Search for 52, a group of scientists sets out to find a whale…

Migration in Full Swing
Migration is truly underway in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and is in full swing at the tip of the…

400-Metre Regulatory Distance for Blue Whales Proving Effective
In the presence of watercraft, blue whales reduce both the duration and depth of their dives. A recent simulation-based study…

Educational Podcasts on Marine Mammals
Itching to set sail in search of marine mammals? Virtual experiences are available thanks to the following list of podcasts…

Generosity For Your Loved Ones… and For Whales, Too!
The 2020 holiday season will come with its share of challenges, just like the periods of adaptation that we all…

How do we know how big a blue whale gulp is?
For researchers, studying the giants of the seas is no easy task! For example, how do they quantify how much…

Is it possible to collect dead whale skin in the St. Lawrence?
One reader sent us this video from Blue Planet Live in which researchers were collecting pieces of dead skin that…

What does a blue whale use its tongue for?
Blue whales have a huge tongue that weighs as much as an elephant. In addition to the sense of taste,…

Military Sonar: A Threat to Blue Whale’s Recovery?
A new study published in Experimental Biology showed that military sonar can affect the behaviour of the blue whales studied off the…

A Blue Whale At Last!
I finally encountered my first large rorqual of the season! And it was about time: I had already travelled 240…

Do whales suffer from sunburn?
Unlike other mammals, whales do not have hair to protect their skin. Even if they spend little time at the…

On the path of the blue whale: from the St-Lawrence to the United States
By Maureen Jouglain A study published in July 2017 in the journal Endangered Species Research presents the first records of…

My First Encounter with Pilot Whales
On Saturday, May 13, together with Katy Gavrilchuk and David Gaspard, members of the Mingan Islands Cetacean Study (MICS) team,…