
In Search of Large Rorquals
It's 5:45 a.m., and I'm already awake and excitedly waiting for news from the research team of the Group for…

What do we mean by “fidelity” when we talk about whales?
It is sometimes said that Tic Tac Toe, Capitaine Crochet or Ti-Croche are “faithful” whales, but what does this really…

With the large rorquals… The biggest!
By Maude-Émilie Bourque Sunday, August 25, 2019. I leave for Grandes-Bergeronnes at the crack of dawn with my equipment: camera…

A Blue Whale At Last!
I finally encountered my first large rorqual of the season! And it was about time: I had already travelled 240…

With the belugas: the fascinating work behind beluga pairing (part 2!)
In last week’s Field Notes, we presented the preparatory steps for beluga matching. This week, discover how the team adds…

With the Belugas: The Fascinating Work Behind Beluga Pairing
One of the pillars of the research conducted at the Group for Research and Education on Marine Mammals(GREMM) is photo-identification.…

Prince Albert II of Monaco foundation (Canada) offers $150,000 for St.Lawrence beluga research
Montréal, March 5, 2019: In the presence of His Serene Highness Albert II, Sovereign Prince of Monaco and several directors…

How do they determine the age of whales?
Estimating the age of marine mammals is more complex than one might think. Few reliable techniques exist to determine the…

With the belugas… at full throttle!
Clear blue sky, low winds, calm sea… The perfect conditions for a productive day of photo-identification and photogrammetry. All we…

With the belugas: week of october 16, 2017
The 2017 season is over! Autumn is already well upon us in Tadoussac, the sailboats have been taken out of…

With the belugas: week of september 18, 2017
This week, we are giving the floor to Alexandre Bernier-Graveline, UQAM Master’s candidate in bioaccumulation and the effects of environmental…

Who wants to play beluga researcher?
A team of researchers from Manitoba needs your eyes to sort through thousands of underwater photos of belugas. Are you…

In Pursuit of the Fin Whale
Last July 13, 2017, I spent my day on the water in search of large rorquals to photograph. The weather…

My most faithful humpback
According to data provided by the Mingan Island Cetacean Study, the humpback whale H626 (MICS catalogue number) – known as…

With the belugas: week of June 19, 2017
Rolling the Dice After a first week spent in the upstream sector on the north shore side, the week of…

Surface Feeding Behaviour in Blue Whales
Sunday, September 13: as usual, I had to deal with the tide when putting my boat into the water and…

Sailing expedition in Search of Right Whales in the Gaspé
A number of observations of right whales have been reported throughout the summer at various locations in the Gulf of…