
Destination Azores with Expedition Glacialis (Part 2 of 2: The Science)
By Mathieu Marzelière with the collaboration of Laurence Tremblay [Continuation of article “Destination Azores with Expedition Glacialis (Part 1 of…

Destination Azores with Expedition Glacialis (Part 1 of 2: Marine Fauna)
By Mathieu Marzelière with the collaboration of Laurence Tremblay Laurence and I work for GREMM as research assistants. For several…

With the Belugas… Season Ends with First Snow
Field notes written in collaboration with Laurence Tremblay A field season full of surprises is coming to an end for…

With the Belugas… Their Newborns and the Narwhal
October 9: an Indian summer day, a calm St. Lawrence, spectacular fall foliage… the BpJAM sets sail for one of its…

With the belugas: the fascinating work behind beluga pairing (part 2!)
In last week’s Field Notes, we presented the preparatory steps for beluga matching. This week, discover how the team adds…

With the Belugas: The Fascinating Work Behind Beluga Pairing
One of the pillars of the research conducted at the Group for Research and Education on Marine Mammals(GREMM) is photo-identification.…