Tagblue whale

One in Two Fin Whales Already Entangled
The number of fin whales frequenting the Gulf of St. Lawrence that bear entanglement marks and scars is much higher…

Five Promising Initiatives to Prevent Collisions with Whales
Imagine that your dining room, your bedroom and your child’s day care were constantly being driven through by high-speed vehicles.…

What is the impact of offshore drilling on whales?
While three oil drilling projects off the coast of Newfoundland are being fast-tracked by the Canadian government, one faithful reader…

Fin-Blue Hybrids: A New Challenge for Blue Whale Conservation?
The existence of hybrids resulting from the cross between the two largest animals in the world – the fin whale…

Why is the blue whale so big?
It is bigger than the largest dinosaur. And it weighs roughly 25 times more than the largest living land animal,…

How do we know how big a blue whale gulp is?
For researchers, studying the giants of the seas is no easy task! For example, how do they quantify how much…

Two Beats a Minute Underwater: A Lesson in Blue Whale Cardio!
In an uncommon exercise in cetacean research, a team successfully placed a tag with electrodes on the back of a…

Are the blue whales in the St. Lawrence getting enough to eat?
In summer, the St. Lawrence is a feeding ground for a number of blue whales of the northwest Atlantic population.…

With the large rorquals… The biggest!
By Maude-Émilie Bourque Sunday, August 25, 2019. I leave for Grandes-Bergeronnes at the crack of dawn with my equipment: camera…

Military Sonar: A Threat to Blue Whale’s Recovery?
A new study published in Experimental Biology showed that military sonar can affect the behaviour of the blue whales studied off the…

Whale soup
Monday morning, August 7. My vacation kicks off and pushes me to the opposite coastline, in the direction of the…

The Beauty of New Life
The month of May is a bit chilly out on the water and windows of favourable weather are somewhat narrower…

Blue Whale Feeding Disturbed by Nearby Watercraft
According to a recent study conducted by researchers at Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and the Rimouski-based Institute of Ocean…

Exciting First Outing of the Spring
On Friday, May 5, I made my first trip out to sea of the 2017 season. Usually I make this…