
Putting a face to a call : identifying belugas acoustically
A herd of belugas breaks through the surface of the water as their squawks, chirps, whistles and grunts fill the…

My week at the whale warehouse
It all started with Marie-Ève, my Editor-in-Chief, asking me, “Would you like to spend a week with skeletons, Jass?” Next…

The right whale tale : a year-in-review (2018)
Once believed to be the “right” whales to hunt, the endangered North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) population has been…

Why do cetaceans die?
Just like us, cetaceans (whales, porpoises, and dolphins) have a range of reasons that can lead to mortality. Because of…

It’s Now or Never for the Vaquitas
Latest sightings of calves bring a new hope for the cetacean that is face-to-face with extinction: the vaquita (Phocoena sinus).…

One Weekend; Two Mass Strandings in New Zealand
About 145 black-bodied whales laid out on a long, sandy beach when two hikers, Liz Carson and Julian Ripoll, stumbled…

Trap-Feeding: a New Creative Feeding Method
Innovation often derives from need. So has been the case for humpback whales off northeastern Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Humpbacks…

Southern resident killer whales : new measures announced
The Government of Canada announced further actions to help protect the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKWs) on October 31,…

Ocean School: The Future of Ocean Literacy
Dive deep into the vast blue ocean with turtles, whales and fish right from the convenience of your home or…

Are there krill in the wintertime?
Yes, there are krill in the St. Lawrence in the wintertime. According to a recent study by Dr. Yvan Simard…

Beluga Bonanza
Yesterday a visitor at the Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre (CIMM) saw several belugas across the Saguenay Fjord through light flurries.…

How do whales go on long dives?
Whales are marine mammals that dive for various reasons, such as: feeding and mating. Their prey are found at varying…