Tagtrafic maritime

Where do whales get their scars?
Some whales bear reminders of their past. Sometimes inconspicuous, sometimes more pronounced, scars of all shapes and sizes mark the…

Initiatives for Responsible Whale-Watching
This year, the Eco-Whale Alliance is celebrating its 10th anniversary! Established by sea excursion companies, GREMM, Sépaq and Parks Canada,…

New Tools Available to Maritime Industry for Marine Mammal Protection
The Marine Mammal Observation Network (MMON), the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) and the St. Lawrence Global Observatory (SLGO)…

Novel Measure to Protect Southern Resident Killer Whales
Frequenting British Columbia waters, the southern resident killer whale population is estimated to number approximately 72 individuals. On January 14, the…

Right whales : similar measures for 2019
The North Atlantic right whale protection measures for 2019 have been announced, and will include measures better suited to the…

Toward a better co-existence of shipping traffic and belugas in the St. Lawrence
To facilitate the recovery of whales at risk in the St. Lawrence, researchers, wildlife managers and industry are working together…

How do Boats Avoid Whales?
Collisions between ships and cetaceans are rather frequent and are a recognized cause of cetacean mortality in the world, despite…

New Cacouna Port Project in the Beluga Nursery: Concerns and Astonishment
While the oil port project was abandoned six months ago due to the fact that the beluga population was assessed…