
New Cacouna Port Project in the Beluga Nursery: Concerns and Astonishment
While the oil port project was abandoned six months ago due to the fact that the beluga population was assessed…

Calculations that Could Help Save Whales Entangled in Fishing Gear
According to a recent study, researchers examined whale skeletons and carcasses of all sizes to obtain measurements of their body…

“The Most Solitary of Whales”: Mysterious No. 52 Raises Questions, Inspires, Sparks New Scientific Commentary
This whale frequents the North Pacific and emits a range of unusual frequencies which are believed to isolate it from…

From the St. Lawrence Estuary to the north Atlantic: the odyssey of the blue whale Symphony
For more than five months, researchers have been tracking the migration of this female thanks to a signal emitted by…

Collision between Inflatable Boat and Whale in Mexico: One Canadian Tourist Dead and Two Persons Injured
The accident, which occurred in an area known to be frequented by a large number of tourist boats and by…