
Whale Day: A Few Actions to Lower the Risks to Marine Mammals
Around the globe, many people are concerned by the plight of cetaceans. February 19 is the international day dedicated to…

Swimming in a River of Pollutants: Belugas Believed to be Four Times More Contaminated Than Minke Whales
Just how contaminated are the belugas of the St. Lawrence? This very question became the research topic of Antoine Simond…

Can we rid whales of their pollution?
Pollution can accumulate in whales' bodies and cause them serious health problems. “Can we flush this pollution out of a…

Cleanup of “seventh continent” set to begin
On September 8, The Ocean Cleanup project will deploy its first floating system designed to capture waste in the waters of the…

Why do cetaceans die?
Just like us, cetaceans (whales, porpoises, and dolphins) have a range of reasons that can lead to mortality. Because of…

Banned flame retardants still present in St. Lawrence belugas
Despite the measures that have been put into place in Canada since 2006 to reduce the concentrations of certain flame…

Why is plastic sometimes found in the stomachs of whales?
How is it that 30 plastic bags find their way into the stomach of a cetacean? The issue was raised…

Accumulation of Heavy Metals in a Group of Stranded Long-finned Pilot Whales in Scotland
A study by researchers at the University of Aberdeen, in collaboration with the Scottish Marine Animal Stranding Scheme, recently demonstrated…