Tagespèce en péril

Struggling Right Whale in the Gulf of St. Lawrence
For over a week now, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) has been attempting to locate a North Atlantic right whale…

North Atlantic Right Whales: Shrinking Giants!
We’ve known that North Atlantic right whales are less and less abundant, with a population currently estimated to number fewer…

What’s happening with North Atlantic right whales in 2021?
With a total population estimated to number fewer than 350 individuals, the North Atlantic right whale is one of the…

Two New Right Whale Mortalities
In the span of just a few weeks, two North Atlantic right whale carcasses were discovered off the coast of…

North Atlantic Right Whale Births Give Cause for Hope
The breeding season for North Atlantic right whales is in full swing. As of January 22, 2021, 17 healthy calves…

Just 356 North Atlantic right whales left!
Until recently, researchers still spoke of a population of some 400 North Atlantic right whales. But new estimates released last…

North Atlantic Right Whales Disturbingly Unfit
It is widely known that the North Atlantic right whale population is struggling, but a study has recently underscored just…

North Atlantic Right Whales: New and Continuing Measures in 2020
Speed limits reduced to 10 knots in certain areas, closure of fishing zones, increased surveillance: the Government of Canada has…

Seventh and Eighth Right Whale Carcasses Found
Two new cases of dead right whales have been confirmed today by Fisheries and Oceans Canada. According to the ministry,…

Right whales: disentanglement efforts progress
Right whales EG4423 and EG4440 are now swimming a little lighter since shedding some of the rope that had been…

Which cetacean is most at risk of extinction?
According to the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), it would be the vaquita. This…

Almost a year to the day after the second wave of the Adopt a Beluga campaign was launched (in French), the first…