Taghumpback whale

Visiting Humpback in Fluvial Estuary (Québec City – Montréal)
The humpback as an ambassador for a greater cause We understand the emotional aspect of the situation. Local residents who…

Up-close Footage of Nursing Humpback
This video went viral on social networks around the globe. And for good reason. How awesome to view the world…

Humpback whales eat with their hands
The pectoral fins of humpback whales, with their enormous size and jagged edges, are quite different from those of other…

Hydrodynamics of humpbacks as a health indicator
The way whales slip through the water can tell us if they are in good physical shape, reveals a study published…

A history of fidelity
Friday, June 8: after being notified of 3 blue whales purportedly present in the Gaspé region, I decide to head…

The humpbacks of Mazatlan
Thursday, January 4, 2018: while a weather bomb is pummelling Quebec, I have an appointment at 7:30 in the morning…

Microorganisms in whale breath
A large group of bacteria was identified for the first time in the breath (or blow) of humpback whales. Whether…

Whale soup
Monday morning, August 7. My vacation kicks off and pushes me to the opposite coastline, in the direction of the…

A great show in Gaspesie
When you take a whale-watching trip, you need to be lucky to observe a breaching session. To watch two such…

My most faithful humpback
According to data provided by the Mingan Island Cetacean Study, the humpback whale H626 (MICS catalogue number) – known as…

The Godbout’s humpback whale: another milestone reached!
On May 3, the carcass of a young humpback whale was found beached in Godbout. Following sampling for research purposes,…

The Beauty of New Life
The month of May is a bit chilly out on the water and windows of favourable weather are somewhat narrower…