Tagbaleine noire de l’Atlantique Nord

Exceptional Tours in the Estuary
Everyone was surprised this week when not one, but two endangered species ventured into the St. Lawrence Estuary: one North…

To Michael Moore, “We Are All Whalers”
North Atlantic right whales are one of the most vulnerable cetacean species on the planet. With less than 350 individuals…

Multiple Births and Low Mortality Spell Good Year for North Atlantic Right Whales
One of the most critically endangered cetacean species in the world, the North Atlantic right whale has been under close…

Generosity For Your Loved Ones… and For Whales, Too!
The 2020 holiday season will come with its share of challenges, just like the periods of adaptation that we all…

North Atlantic Right Whale: Dismal Record Mitigated by Mobilization
The future is an increasingly gloomy one for the North Atlantic right whale, an endangered species whose numbers have been…

The right whale tale : a year-in-review (2018)
Once believed to be the “right” whales to hunt, the endangered North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) population has been…

Right whales : the situation in 2018
2017 was a grim year for the North Atlantic right whales. The deaths of 18 right whales created a shock wave…

Whales in the nets
As evidenced by the news in the past few weeks, when whales get entangled in fishing gear, there can be…