
Adopted by the viewers of MusiquePlus
ID number
Year of birth
Before 1973
Known Since
Distinctive traits
Where Camério stands out from the rest is in the two scars on his left flank, which resemble round spectacles. The deep, wide gash, along with the smaller ones, are signs of his right side.
Life history
Camério was first observed in 1989. His “coat” was already immaculate white. He was therefore born before 1973.
His large size, habits and social affiliations clearly indicated that Camério was a male. On August 4, 1995, a biopsy confirmed it. Camério is a regular sighting in the Saguenay Fjord and Sainte-Marguerite Bay. He is part of one of two male networks in the Saguenay.
Camério has often been seen in the Saguenay, particularly in Baie Sainte-Marguerite and at its mouth. Baie Sainte-Marguerite appears to be a very special and important site for St. Lawrence belugas. The bay, some 20 km from the mouth, is part of the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park and is bordered by the Saguenay National Park. We frequently saw Camério displaying behaviours typical of this area: loitering, vocalizing at the water’s surface and splashing about.
Observations history in the Estuary
Years in which the animal was not observed Years in which the animal was observed
Latest news
On July 7, 1997, our boat is off the coast of Trois-Pistoles. We approached a herd of around twenty belugas, in which Camério was spotted. We noticed that the herd was made up of white and gray animals, i.e. adults and calves. After an one-hour observation period, the herd slowly begins to separate into three distinct groups of 5 to 8 individuals.
Camério was last seen over ten years ago. What happened to him? Did he die? Has he remained invisible to the eye of the researcher all this time? One thing is certain, his story remains a valuable source of information for our knowledge of this fragile population.
The viewers of MusiquePlus adopted Camério (1991).