Antarès (1940-1994)


ligne décoration

Adopted by Frédéric Back and his colleagues of Radio-Canada

  • ID number


  • Sex


  • Year of birth

    1940 (death in 1994)

  • Known Since


Distinctive traits

Antares owes her name to the two star-shaped scars under her dorsal ridge on the right flank. Identifying the left flank is more difficult, as the ridge contains only a few small nicks.

Life history

Our first encounter with Antarès was in 1986, when she was slightly gray and therefore at least 12 to 16 years old.

Her small size and the presence of a newborn alongside Antarès indicated that she was a female from the Saguenay community.

On July 4, 1990, we were at the mouth of the Saguenay Fjord. Antarès and the thirty or so adults accompanying her are swimming along the current bar. In fact, these belugas are chasing prey trapped in the current bar.

The mouth of the Saguenay is a meeting place! Networks of male belugas cross paths with communities of females and their young. Large aggregations are formed here, albeit ephemerally, due to the abundance of food. It’s also where the salt waters of the St. Lawrence estuary meet the brackish waters of the Saguenay fjord. Topography, currents, tides and the characteristics of the water masses that meet create highly specific oceanographic conditions that trap prey, attracting predators like belugas.

Observations history in the Estuary


Years in which the animal was not observed Years in which the animal was observed

Latest news

During the Christmas holidays, on December 29, 1994, on the shores of Saint-Paul-du-Nord on the Côte-Nord, we find Antarès dead. Post-mortem examination reveals her venerable age : 54 years and over and her height : 3.65 m.


Frédéric Back and his colleagues of Radio-Canada adopted Antarès (1988).