
Adopted by Chicoutimi's Atmosphère and Sports Experts stores
ID number
Year of birth
Around 1980
Known Since
Distinctive traits
Atmosphère can be recognized by her two white spots with a small gray dot in the center of each, reminiscent of the eyes of a comic-book character. Her head also bears a white line in the shape of a question mark.
Life history
We first met Atmosphère in the summer of 1997. At the time, she was a dark gray beluga, a “bleuvet”. Since then, she has begun to fade. She was born around 1980.
Atmosphère’s sex was confirmed by a biopsy, the genetic analysis of a tiny piece of skin taken from her back. Atmosphère’s history suggests that she belongs to the Saguenay community.
Males and females form distinct social groups in summer. Females prefer the warmer waters upstream. They form three large communities attached to traditional territories : the Saguenay community, the south shore community and the Kamouraska community.
Observations history in the Estuary
Years in which the animal was not observed Years in which the animal was observed
Latest news
What extraordinary news! Atmosphere has been seen again this summer. We hadn’t seen her since… 2010! Atmosphère was with an adult and two juveniles, off Saint-Siméon, near Cap de la Tête au Chien. Identifying Atmosphère has become increasingly difficult over the years. In fact, the small S behind his blowhole contrasts less and less with the white of his skin. The two white spots with a gray dot in the center are also fading.
On June 18, 2010, Atmosphère was spotted in the Ile Verte and Cacouna area. She was swimming in a group of around thirty adults and juveniles. The group is very dynamic on the surface, with curious individuals near the boat and even a chase between two animals.
Chicoutimi’s Atmosphère and Sports Experts stores adopted Atmosphère (2003).