
Adopted by CBC Community Network and their listeners
ID number
Year of birth
Before 1970
Known Since
Distinctive traits
The long scar on the top of Tadeus’s flank that extends to both sides helps to identify her easily. In addition, her dorsal crest is dotted with small notches along her entire length.
Life history
Tadeus was first photographed in 1986. She was white. She would therefore have been born before 1970.
Tadeus’ sex was confirmed by biopsy : she is female. She would be part of the female community of the Saguenay Fjord.
Tadeus is a female. How do we know? Thanks to a biopsy. Using a crossbow that propels a dart fitted with a dart, a tiny piece of fat and skin is removed, containing the animal’s genetic secrets. GREMM has been taking biopsies from belugas since 1994 to identify sex and family relationships.
Observations history in the Estuary
Years in which the animal was not observed Years in which the animal was observed
Latest news
In the early afternoon, near Ile Verte, we spot a herd of around 20 belugas. We recognize Tadeus, swimming among a herd of adults and calves. Working conditions are difficult : wind and current bar complicate the task. Nevertheless, we manage to take a biopsy from one of the adults. We also think we’ve recognized Coquine Blanche, accompanied by a young gray beluga. It’s 3pm : the day’s work must be coming to an end as the wind has picked up drastically.
Tadeus’ last sighting was over ten years ago. Is she dead? Has she remained invisible to the researcher’s eye all this time? One thing is certain, her story remains a source of precious information that helps us to better understand this fragile population.
CBC Community Network and their listeners adopted Tadeus and Bonnie (1989).
Here’s a example of the certificate given by CBC Community Network to donors who helped adopt Tadeus and Bonnie.