
Adopted by the employees of Hydro Québec, région Montmorency, and their family
ID number
Year of birth
Before 1976
Known Since
Distinctive traits
Only Baladin’s left flank is known. There are three scars on the peduncle and a notch in the middle of the dorsal ridge.
Life history
Only seen once in 1988, Baladin was completely white meaning this individual was at least 12 to 16 years old at the time.
Data from a single sighting do not allow us to determine this individual’s sex or summer range. In adulthood, there is a strong segregation between males and females. Females live in communities with their young, while males are often found in unisex aggregations.
Baladin was observed only once: on August 8, 1988 off Pointe à la Carriole, near Tadoussac. Baladin was in a small group with six belugas, in a larger aggregation of adults.
Regularly seen with...
Observations history in the Estuary
Years in which the animal was not observed Years in which the animal was observed
The employees of Hydro Québec, région Montmorency, and their families adopted Baladin (1989).