Right whales range along the eastern coast of North America, 85% of North Atlantic right whales have been entangled at some point in their lives! Teams across eastern Canada work hard to rescue these cetaceans. Whales Online spoke to Moira Brown and Mackie Greene of the Campobello Whale Rescue Team to learn more about the new challenges of disentangling large cetaceans in Quebec and the Maritime provinces.

Campobello Whale Rescue Team

The Campobello Whale Rescue Team (CWRT) of the Canadian Whale Institute (CWI) is based on Campobello Island in the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick, and has been responding to large whale entanglements in Quebec and the Maritimes for over 20 years. The team knows these regions well. The team was initially established in the Bay of Fundy because this was a primary summer and autumn feeding area for the North Atlantic right whale, which visited the bay in large numbers from at least 1980 until 2010. More recently, a large portion of the distribution of the species has shifted to the Gulf of St. Lawrence for the spring summer and autumn months, meaning that the team has to travel farther to carry out its disentanglement operations.

Senior scientist Moira Brown has been studying right whales since 1985. She has received numerous awards for her work, in addition to being the principal author of Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s , published in 2009 for compliance with the Species at Risk Act legislation.

Mackie Greene, director and co-founder of the CWRT, grew up on Campobello Island and has been disentangling large whales as a volunteer since 2002 with minimal support of DFO. Since 2018, the team is now paid for their rescue work and more fully funded by DFO. Mackie is also certified by NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, roughly DFO’s counterpart in the US) to respond to entangled right whales in US waters. He served as the Canadian Large Whale Disentanglement Coordinator at the Center for Coastal Studies, and is one of only six (one on the west coast and five on the east coast) expert whale disentanglers recognized by Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Along with the rest of the team, Brown and Greene are able to carry out disentanglement operations to free whales from their ropes with the goal of increasing the whales’ chance of survival.

A whole new ball game

Once an important feeding ground for North Atlantic right whales, the Bay of Fundy has seen a drop in right whale sightings since 2010. Previously, mothers used to come after the calving season to nurse their calves and feed alongside juveniles and adults, but fewer and fewer individuals have been spotted in these waters in recent years. Instead, mothers and calves and other individual right whales are being observed closer to the Gaspé Peninsula, in the Shediac Valley in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence and, more rarely, in the St. Lawrence Estuary.

Disentanglement has never been easy, and it is always a major safety risk to be in close proximity to any large animal in distress. In the Bay of Fundy, there are many eyes on the water, including whale-watching companies, recreational boaters and fishers. Observers of entangled whales often stay with the whale, following it from a distance until the rescue team arrives to assess the incident and try to disentangle whale if that is deemed the appropriate action. Sometimes they attach a satellite monitor transmitter to trailing line if the whale cannot be disentangled that day.

In the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, it is often observers on aerial surveys that spot right whales. Unfortunately, the planes are limited in how much time they can spend with the whale due to fuel constraints.  The aerial observers document the entanglement, but are unable to remain with the whale until the disentanglement team arrives, which is usually the following day or when weather conditions allow. A right whale can travel up to 160 km a day at 5 knots (9.3 km/h), making the chances of relocating it nearly impossible. Mackie Greene explains that “It’s incredibly difficult to find them again. Even when entangled, they can cover great distances.”

There are also research vessels operating in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. If an entangled whale is spotted from one of these vessels, the team has been trained in attaching a satellite-monitored transmitter, and there are entangling lines trailing behind the whale, it may be possible for them to attach the tag so that the whale can be relocated. In Quebec, the QMMERN has also been trained by the CWRT to attach satellite tags to trailing lines when it is safe to do so.

The team’s greatest challenge in responding to entangled whales in the Gulf of St. Lawrence is the time it takes for the team to travel to the site, the location of the whale’s typical habitat 30-50 nm from shore, and the time spent trying to relocate the whales. When an entangled cetacean is found in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, CWRT travels to the nearest port, often Shippagan, New Brunswick, which lies 500 km from itheir home base on Campobello Island. A lot of their time is spent waiting for the right weather conditions and for the whale to reappear, hence the importance of the satellite-monitored transmitters.

Another challenge is that the ropes used in Quebec’s snow crab fishery are larger in diameter (3/4’’) than those used in New Brunswick’s lobster fishery (3/8″). It takes more effort, strength and cutting to remove these ropes, which translates into more time spent next to the already distressed animal.

A recent collaboration

One of the most recent cases of disentanglement in the Gulf of St. Lawrence was that of the North Atlantic right whale known as “2023 calf of #1812.” First observed in the Shediac Valley east of Shippagan, New Brunswick on June 22, 2024, the one-and-a-half-year-old right whale reappeared near Petits-Escoumins, Quebec, over 500 km from where it was first reported, nearly two weeks later. This juvenile has not yet been given an identification number, but we do know that it is War’s (#1812) 7th calf. For the time being, it is known as “2023 calf of #1812,” in reference to its year of birth and its mother’s ID number.

After it was first sighted, the well trained CWI  research team operating with researchers from the New England Aquarium and apprentice whale rescue responders from Équipe de Désempêtrement du Golfe (EDG) attached a satellite tag to the trailing lines. Several attempts were made to disentangle the whale by CWRT on June 25, with partial success, but the team was unable to remove all the rope and the whale remained ensnared. Transmissions from the satellite tag enabled the team to track the whale’s movements as it swam into the St. Lawrence Estuary. To continue their work, the CWRT arrived in Rimouski on July 10 for another attempt to disentangle the whale. They succeeded in removing the entangling lines with the assistance of many partners on the water to relocate and track the whale. DFO was able to attach a LIMPET tag which transmitted for 12 days and tracked the whale leaving the Estuary and returning to the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence.

In this whale’s case, the Quebec Marine Mammal Emergency Response Network (QMMERN), together with its partners from the CWRT, DFO, Parks Canada and Transport Canada, coordinated a response plan to facilitate the intervention to free the animal from its ropes. Also operating the Marine Mammal Emergency Response Centre (UMM), which is open 24/7, the QMMERN received and transmitted the whale sightings corresponding to this incident (1-877-722-5346). Together with the Whales Online team, the QMMERN provided communications and updates on the situation to the network of observers and members of the local whale-watching cruise industry in order to ensure the safety and well-being of whales and mariners alike.

Not a job for just anyone

Disentanglement is a highly dangerous and stressful process for both the animal and the humans involved. In eastern Canada, there are only five individuals who are authorized to perform disentanglements. They work for the Campobello team in New Brunswick or for Whale Release & Strandings in Newfoundland and Labrador. Additionally, to help respond to entangled whales in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, there is a newly trained apprentice team, Équipe de Désempêtrement du Golfe (EDG), based in Shippagan, comprised of local fishers and the QMMERN, who work in collaboration with the Campobello team for responses in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence and Quebec waters, respectively.

When an entanglement is reported, the nearest team is deployed to place a satellite tag. In Quebec, the CWRT is providing further training to carry out this type of intervention, including to DFO fishery officers, the QMMERN team and Parks Canada. Attaching a satellite tag makes it possible to track and relocate the entangled whale. Once the whale has been spotted, the certified and permitted individuals from CWRT can begin attempts to disentangle it and provide additional on-the-water training to collaborators.

All of these efforts give hope for right whales. “There are still a few right whales seen each year in the Bay of Fundy. I’m hopeful that they will return in the future. Last year, a few came and stayed here for a while,” says Mackie Greene.

Marine Mammal Emergencies - 23/1/2025

Yael Medav

Yael Medav has been an editor for the GREMM since the start of the 2024 season. She has just finished her bachelor's degree in wildlife biology at McGill University. She has long been fascinated by whales and hopes to see a right whale this summer!

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