How can we forget that we live in one of the most beautiful places in the world when, on this day between Tadoussac and Les Escoumins, we have the chance to admire all of these giants: blue whales, humpbacks, fin whales, minke whales, belugas, harbour porpoises, gray seals and harbour seals! What diversity! And photos, which are worth a thousand words, to illustrate this dream day.

Calm seas and blazing sun on August 18. In the morning, in a tide rip off Tadoussac, nearly a dozen minke whales are becoming active. We are witness to surface feeding sequences, with mouths sticking out of the water and ventral grooves expanded. Lots of food at this site!

Not far away, a fin whale swims slowly along another tide rip. Then, in the afternoon, other awesome events take place off the coast of Les Escoumins. First, this gigantic blue whale. And far offshore, the joy of crossing paths with numerous porpoises and meeting a humpback that has been well known in the Marine Park area since 1997, Irisept (also known as Cocotte).

Field Notes - 20/8/2015

Renaud Pintiaux

GREMM research assistant from 2003 to 2009 and from 2012 to 2014, Renaud Pintiaux is a passionate observer and photographer. Year round, whether from shore or on the water, he takes every opportunity to observe marine mammals and birds in the Saguenay–St. Lawrence Marine Park.

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