At the dawn of the beluga seasonal migration, one question remains: where will they winter? This is the question that Belugas on the Move attempts to answer. To follow the researchers in their work, check out the regularly updated “Topic of the Hour”.

This project and how it has unfolded to date are presented in this video clip by Yannick Rose © Productions Novo Media 2015; amazing images of belugas and researchers in action!

News - 25/11/2015

Marie-Sophie Giroux

Marie-Sophie Giroux joined the GREMM in 2005 until 2018. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Marine Biology and a diploma in Environmental Consulting. As Lead Naturalist, she oversees and coordinates the team working at the Marine Mammal Interpretation Centre and writes for Whales Online and Whale Portraits. She loves to share “whale stories” with visitors to the CIMM and readers alike.

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