Quebec Marine Mammal Emergency Response Network

In 2002, the GREMM established the Quebec Marine Mammal Emergency Response Network, which is responsible for organizing, coordinating and implementing measures aimed at reducing accidental mortality of marine mammals, rescuing marine mammals in difficulty, and facilitating the acquisition of data from dead animals. The network currently numbers 18 partner organizations and handles an average of 350 calls a year. Our team, our partners’ teams, and our pool of volunteers are ready to respond in the field 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To learn more: Marine Mammal Emergencies.

Eco-Whale Alliance

The Eco-Whale Alliance was created in 2011 to encourage environmentally responsible whale-watching in the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park. The objective is to continually improve offshore whale-watching practices so that they represent a model of sustainability. The Alliance comprises the GREMM, whale-watching companies as well as Parks Canada and the SÉPAQ, co-managers of the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park. The Alliance also created the Eco-Whale Fund for whale research and education in the Marine Park.


Portrait de baleines

This weekly newsletter is addressed to members of the tourist industry in the St. Lawrence-Saguenay Marine Park. Portrait de baleines relates whale stories gathered from researchers, captains and naturalists in an effort to enhance the quality of information shared with visitors, maximize the awareness potential of marine mammal-watching activities, and promote respect for whales and the adoption of environmentally friendly practices. You can read the newsletter in French here.

Écho des baleines

L’Écho des baleines is a newsletter for boaters and kayakers who visit the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park sector, as well as the St. Lawrence Estuary. The objective of the Whale Echo is to transmit to kayakers and boaters the passion for marine mammals (whales and seals) in the region, through up-to-date knowledge of marine mammals. In addition, the bulletin provides tools for responsible behaviour during observations. During the summer, 8 bulletins are published. The publication is sent every two weeks by e-mail and is also printed at launching sites and marinas in the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park. This project is made possible through the financial support of the Fondation de la faune du Québec and the Government of Canada’s Habitat Stewardship Program for Species at Risk.

To read the archives (in French):


Seals, Rorquals and More!

It’s starting to feel like spring on the banks of the St. Lawrence: The Saguenay is flushing out its ice,…

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5 bonnes raisons de laisser les jeunes phoques tranquilles

Dans la dernière semaine, la présence de jeunes phoques du Groenland sur les plages aux Îles-de-la-Madeleine et en Gaspésie a…

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“Blue Whale Ballet”

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