It is often said that the St. Lawrence is a smorgasbord for whales. Indeed, the river has several characteristics that lend it a rather spectacular biological diversity. This richness is often times masked by the depths of the sea, but you can sometimes get a glimpse of it at the surface. On Sunday afternoon, as the tide had just peaked, the waters of the river were teeming with activity.
Around us, hundreds of gulls were attacking the surface, jostling for position and jealously snatching prey from one another with great commotion.
Several minke whales were also cashing in on the bounty. We could see at least three individuals around the boat swimming in tight circles to corral their prey and thus get more out of each gulp.

Fin whale Bp918 was also present. Turning on its side with one pectoral fin pointing skyward, it opened its huge mouth to engulf krill and small fish such as smelt and capelin, which were also attempting to take part in the feast.
Such is life in the heart of the St. Lawrence food chain!
Jaclyn Aubin joined the GREMM team this year. As part of the photo-census program of large rorquals in the Marine Park, she collects photos and data on board tour boats. She also shares this information with the editorial team of Whales Online.