
ID number
Year of birth
Around 2000
Known Since
Distinctive traits
DL9049 can be identified by the black spot on his left flank, just below the dorsal crest. On his right flank, a series of small holes and a larger hole can be seen.
Life history
We first met DL9049 in 2015. Back then, he was still gray. He was a dirty white in 2016. Beluga whales change color from gray to white between the ages of 12 and 16. He would therefore have been born around 2000.
DL9052 is male. His sex was confirmed in 2016 by biopsy, through genetic analysis of a tiny piece of skin and fat taken from his back. Adult belugas are highly sex-segregated in summer. Males and females show clearly marked preferences, both in their associations and in the areas they frequent.
He was observed among adult and young grays, then with adults and calves.
The rest of DL9049’s story will tell us a great deal about the evolution of the beluga’s social life. By understanding how belugas live, we can better protect them.
Adopt DL9049
It costs $5,000 a year to adopt a beluga. There are two ways to adopt a beluga : on your own, in your name or that of your company, or as part of a group.
Contact our team by email or at 418-235-4701. Our team will provide you with all the tools you need to set up your online campaign and share it with your networks.
Observations history in the Estuary
Years in which the animal was not observed Years in which the animal was observed