Fin Whale

ID number
Year of birth
Known Since
Distinctive traits
The dorsal fin of Bp973 is very small. It looks like the dorsal fin of a blue whale.
Observations history in the Estuary
Years in which the animal was not observed Years in which the animal was observed
Dernières nouvelles issues des publications Portrait de baleines
Bp973 has been observed in the area since early June. Although this individual has been known since 2014, Bp973 has only recently received its identification number in the photo-ID catalogue of fin whales in the Estuary. To be able to enter a new individual in the catalogue, GREMM must have high-quality pictures of several parts of the animal’s body. Why? Because even if the dorsal fin provides good indications to surmise who the individual is, this fin can acquire new markings, be cut or even truncated. Consequently, we also need to have photos of the chevrons, which we were finally able to obtain last week. Now that it is featured in the catalogue, Bp973 will be able to contribute to static analyses of the right whale population. By tracking it as an individual, we can learn volumes about the species!