
Adopted by lovers of the show Animo
ID number
Year of birth
Around 2005
Known Since
Distinctive traits
The deep round scar between Animo’s head and dorsal crest is the first thing that jumps out when observing this individual. It also has a few small gashes on his dorsal crest
Life history
We thought we had met Animo for the first time on July 23, 2015 in the company of Sébastien Kfoury and the entire team of the Animo show. On that day, the beluga acquired an identification number (DL9036) and a name. At the time of this meeting, Animo was not familiar to us, despite a remarkable scar. His behavior, however, caught our attention. Animo was swimming in company of two young belugas aged, according to their size and coloration, from two to four years. Animo, of much larger size, still had a gray tint. As the color change in belugas, from gray to white, occurs between 12 and 16 years of age, Animo is thought to be around 10 years old. His association with the young belugas made the team think that he could be a young female and he was quickly nicknamed “the babysitter”. However, what followed would show us that belugas are full of surprises.
A first look in our photo archives allows us to “match” this new beluga with an individual already observed in 2011. But, surprise, it is while revisiting a few years later our photos from the summer of 2007 that we found a first trace of Animo that had gone unnoticed until now. This new matching revealed that it would in fact be the individual known as DL2550, observed in 2007, 2008 and 2009.
So the first real encounter of our team with Animo was in October 2007. That day, the young beluga, still quite grey, was in a herd of 100 to 225 individuals. In the company of other adolescents, he spends a lot of time on the surface, porpoising and exchanging tail, head and pectoral strokes.
Animo would be a beluga with a double identity! In order to better recognize him later on, he changes his number. Finished DL9036, he carries from now on the number DL2550. The sex of DL2550 being already known thanks to a biopsy performed in 2008, we can now affirm that Animo is a male, contrary to the team’s predictions.
Observations history in the Estuary
Years in which the animal was not observed Years in which the animal was observed
Latest news
9:40 am: we are near navigation buoy K54, where the Saguenay and the seaway meet, off the Tadoussac dunes. Animo is swimming in a herd of some thirty individuals, including adults and young. Despite carefully combing through all the groups within the herd, we were unable to identify any “known” individuals. Animo is accompanied, however, by a deformed young beluga that shows an impressive hump on its back. For the time being, it’s impossible for us to know if this deformation will persist and whether or not it will allow us to identify Animo’s young companion in the future. Story to be continued…
Lovers of the show Animo adopted Animo (2016).
To watch the episode (in French only) :
Animo adopte un béluga
The collective adoption campaign for a St. Lawrence beluga named Animo was launched by the show Animo on ICI Radio-Canada Télé, during the Sunday, June 12, 2016 episode. Lovers of the show are invited to participate in large numbers in this collective adoption!
Alice Vignola
In memory of Kayan
Chantal Goupil
In honor of a green Christmas! This year’s Christmas gift exchange had an “eco” theme, and I decided to offer a share in the collective adoption of a beluga whale. Thank you for the research you do, it’s so important!
Linda Digiugno
In honor of all those who fight for them! To this new little baby, who will become part of the family! Thank you for moving heaven and earth to protect and save them!
Leo Olajos
Leo Olajos (age 6) is donating a portion of his allowance to help beluga whales.
The Berriault clan
Animo, we fell under your spell when we watched your video.
From the way you care for your clan members, we know you’re an exceptional animal.
We’re delighted to be able to accompany you in our own way.
We hope to cross your path during one of our escapes on the fjord.
Know that we carry you in our hearts and wish you all the best!
Steve Joncoux
Merry Christmas Animo from Edmond and Alice Vignola. Take care of yourself and the boats. Eat lots of fish to grow up. You’ll have a place in our bathtub if you need shelter.
Marianne Bédard
Lorraine Fyfe
For a small family of 6 children who’d like to share Animo’s adventures!
Aryane Maltais
On behalf of Adélia L’Hérault. We have decided to participate in the adoption of this Beluga for our goddaughter, in whom we hope to awaken an interest in protecting animals and the environment.
Sylvie Bélanger
In honour of Liliana Webb
Amélie Larocque
Margaret Roper
In honor of Peter D.L. Roper. My family and I went out on the St. Lawrence near Kamouraska and saw several belugas. We were thrilled! My father is celebrating his 95th birthday today, and it was with him that I took my first whale-watching trip. I remember all the belugas swimming around and under the boat.
Hélène Trottier
In honor of my mother.
Jennifer Burelle
In memory of Mimi.
Nathalie Leloup
Nathalie Barbeau
In memory of Manon Charbonneau
Josée Trudeau
Monique Maltais
I’m very happy and proud to be part of this collective adoption. Well done and thank you to GREMM for their magnificent work, so important for the survival of our beloved belugas. Thank you to our favorite veterinarian, Dr. Sébastien Kfoury, for his initiative and involvement.
Daniel Gagnon
In honor of the Love of my life.
Daniel Lafleur
In honour of Micheline Poitras.
Lucie and Alain Longchamps
Bravo for your fine work protecting the belugas.
Melissa Godbout
Lison Paquet
In memory of all the animals that were part of my life and have gone to animal heaven! Thank you for your work and dedication to the St. Lawrence beluga whale cause!
Diane Marier
Johanne Harvey
Chantal Désilets
For you Animo And also in honor of all the beautiful marine mammals that frequent the St. Lawrence River. Always a pleasure to admire you. Chantal who loves you.
France Jacmain and Sylvain Lemire
In honor of the wedding of France Jacmain and Sylvain Lemire, August 27, 2016.
Loraine Jacmain.
Michelle Maille
Cynthia Duchesneau
Judith Poulin
Nathalie Lemay
For Jean-Louis Lemay
Diane Marier
Mélanie Rochon & Patric Leblanc
Beautiful project and initiatives… I support this cause with my wife. Congratulations!
Fanny, Marylou, Alex Vallée
Evelyne Fortier
Rachel Perron
I’m very happy to do this small part for the beluga. The show really touched me and made me think. I hope it had the same impact on many other people Rachel
Marie-Ève Parent
For Sacha and for future generations. So that you too can have the chance to get to know these magnificent animals.
Gilles Montminy
Martin Côté
Denise Lambert
Jaëlle Archambault-Lapointe
Lise Hardy
Sylvie Glen
Johanne Hamel
Suzanne Brisson
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to take part in such a wonderful project, which would be quite impossible on an individual basis.
Alain Senécal
Susanne Brillant
I’m delighted to be able to help these magnificent animals, with whom we share our territory.
François Larue
Amélie Fréchette
Stéphane Rousseau, MD.PhD, Inc.
In memory of Nathalie Chassé.
Originally from Quebec City, I spent my childhood summers in Charlevoix, seeing the river and the beluga whales, mistakenly called porpoises. That time determined my future, in that I’ve been living in Gaspé for 20 years now, and sailing, the sea and whales are all part of my happiness. Well done to GREMM and Robert Michaud (whom I met at Laval University) and his team! Bravo also to Animo (the show) and long live in good health our new protégé Animo!
Hélène Trottier
In memory of my father Homère.
Johanne & Frédérique Fradet
Thank you for taking care of the belugas, we are happy to adopt Animo with you!
Kouri Family
Thank you for looking after the well-being of this species!
Isabelle Michaud
For Alexis Leclerc.
Karine Lévesque
Denise Blanchette
Thank you GREMM for your work! Let’s take care of our belugas and whales they are magnificent to observe in our majestic St. Lawrence River and Saguenay Fjord! Long live Animo (the beluga and the program!)!!!
Josée Poulin
Keep up the good work.
Angelo-Nicola Saran
Marie Poulin
Catherine Robillard
In honour of Marc-André Grenier.
Marie-Soleil Cordeau
Pierre Pepin
In memory of Louise, who so loved animals, nature and life. All the best.
Céline Duval
Thank you for the work accomplished and to come in the conservation and protection of these magnificent and unique animals! Our world needs more men and women like you.
Monique Ouellet
For Animo.
Denise Ouellet
In memory of Fanny.
Josiane Voyer
Louise Préfontaine
Diane Marier
Gilbert St-Arnaud
In memory of my Father.
Anaïs Fortin
Proud to do a small part for this beluga. We must protect them x.
Gilles champagne
Stéphanie Boulanger
Anne-Min Morin
Louise Leroux
For Rafael and Jakob Leroux
Raymond Baril
For Isabelle Pagé.
Johanne and Sylvain Corbin Bergeron
I love marine mammals and I’m happy to be able to participate because I can’t do it alone. Thank you Animo.
Marjorie T. Walbrecq
After seeing the Animo program devoted to your work, my 7-year-old daughter Evelyne absolutely wanted to do her part by adopting Animo the beluga whale into the community! As an animal lover, she’s very proud to be part of this project!
Maryse Lainesse
Thank you GREMM for your excellent work and thank you for taking care of our beautiful belugas.
Diane Nicole
In memory of Thérèse Fournier.
France Pelletier
Jocelyne Leduc
Carine Latour
In the name of Arthur Provost.
Mariline Chaballe
On behalf of Cassiopée Brochu.
Valérie Dubé
I believe that it is more than essential to study our dear animal friends in order to preserve them and ensure that they live in a suitable environment. Thank you for your good work.
Catherine Lamontagne
La famille Dumais-Simard
Roxanne Richard-Côté
On behalf of Jayden and Evaly. Thank you for all your time, it’s wonderful to be a sailor!
Hélène Robert
Bravo … The Beluga is my favorite! I’m really excited about everything GREMM is doing to preserve our marine wildlife! Thanks again!
Hélène Flamand
On behalf of Hélène and Jean.
Marie-Claude Lévesque
In memory of Bébé and Gabrielle.
Nicole Filion
In memory of Réal Filion.
Mathilde Paré Désilets
For Sammy St-Denis! We are from Sherbrooke, residents for 4 years in Les Escoumins and nature, wind and marine mammals are part of our daily moments of happiness. Continue your SUPER work so important to preserve the balance of life!!!! Thierry and Mathilde
Aurélie Lachapelle
Aurélie, we hope you’ll have the chance to meet Animo on the St. Lawrence one day! In the meantime, you can follow your beluga’s adventures on the website that helps him. Caro, Éric and Floyd We love you very much!
Julie Deshaies
Danyelle Cyr
Hélène Brunet
Francis Pepin & Marl Gauthier
Long live Animo! Thank you for all your research work.
Gino caron
Franco and Gino.
Ariane Sansoucy-Brouilette
Well done and may collective and citizen initiatives multiply!
Andrée Lamontagne
For Stella Bustamente!
Sally Lambert
Marie-Hélène Lord
For Jean Lord. I love the St. Lawrence, which I see every day. Thank you GREMM for doing such a great job. Long live Animo!
Serge Ouimet
Francine Laliberté
Pierre Grou
Nathalie Ouellet
Josée Richard
Thank you for what you do…. I admire you…
Gilles Jobidon
Virginie Laporte
Andre Gagnon
For the good of the belugas! Good luck!
Pascale Rioux
On behalf of Éric Deraspe and François Lacroix.
Chantal Frenette
Denise Vallee
Bravo for your work and thank you for introducing us to this fascinating world that is so essential to our planet. Don’t give up, because we need you. All the best to the whole team.
Chantal Caya
Thank you Animo for this adoption! I love belugas and all mammals like them. Let’s save these mammals and hope they reproduce more and become more numerous.
Nancy lapointe
Danielle Theriault
Suzanne Lanthier
Linda Bell
Doris Leprohon
For Animo and the protection of belugas!
Arianne Lapointe
The cause means a lot to me. Continue to protect them and try to understand them :).
Dominique Gagnon
Christiane Gauvreau-Sirois
Long live the Animo beluga.
Micheline Lambert
Well done! Long live Animo!
Jean-Maurice Bouvier
Congratulations on a job well done!
Caroline Lemay
Thank you for your research and work! I hope you inspire many future biologists and researchers who, like you, want to better understand and protect wildlife.
Nancy Fortier
What a great job!
Diane Denis
Thank you for your work. I’m honoured to be part of it by donating.
Julie Lafontaine
Annick Coutlée
Donation made in the name of my daughters Dominique and Marianne Demers because they are my “joie de vivre” and whales mean so much to me!
Manon Rainville
Julie Papineau
Simply bravo for this idea of adopting belugas and bravo to the Animo team for getting on board and letting us take part too.
Catherine & Guillaum Proulx & Chevalier
For Sputnik.
Sylvie gagnon
Louise Gagnon
Lise Croteau
Geneviève Caron
Monique Dagenais
Carole Labarre-Mathurin
Julie Toupin
For Flavie Cartier.
Henriette Vaillancourt
Normande Claveau Landreville
My family loves belugas. We look upon Animo as a member of the family.
Caroline Lachapelle
Long live Animo. We hope to see you soon!
Francine Hardy
Karina Cayer
Sophie Audrey Trudeau
For Zack-Olivier Theoret.
Lysa Otis
I did it collectively in 1989 at the age of 12, and now I’m doing it for my children, Émile, Justin and Édouard.
Jacinthe and Normand Brodeur and Brunette
For André Labelle. Thank you for this research, which helps us learn more about beluga whales and their habitat, and THANK YOU for publicizing human behaviour that benefits them.
Hélène Lainesse
For Laurie and Jérémy Lainesse.
Geneviève Cardin
I’m making this donation in the name of my son Jack, who spontaneously shouted “Mommy, I want Animo to be adopted” after the report was broadcast. Participating in Animo’s adoption will give us a good reason to scan the horizon when we’re in the area, and a sense of duty to protect the natural environment of our little protégé :).
Marie-Michèle Richard
Line Belleau
Michèle Jean
Claude and France Desloges
Like the call to go to Tadoussac every year to sit on the rocks and perhaps have the chance to see a marine mammal, it’s only natural to want to participate in the adoption of a beluga. Thank you for giving us this chance.
Catherine Leblanc
I’m happy to adopt Animo with you! Thank you for giving me this opportunity!
Anabelle Laflamme
In honor of Danaé Laflamme-Nadon.
Milène Arsenault
Mélanie Chabot
We’ve been living in Calgary for two years, but we’re originally from Quebec City. What we really miss is the St. Lawrence. Our vacation destination was Tadoussac for several years. Our highlight was seeing a beluga whale on the ferry. We’re not rich, but we’re happy to help preserve and improve its habitat. Long live your organization. This donation is in the name of our entire family. Mélanie Chabot, Enrico, Bryan, Charlie and Jéremy Bélanger.
Aurélie Robin-Bouchard
Françoise Gourde
Nancy Riberdy
Stéphane Boisvert
Jacynthe Néron
Hélène Dionne
Nicko Bernier
On behalf of Juliette and Léann Bernier
Huguette Pépin
Bruno Leclerc
Madeleine & Sylvain Desforges & Viger
Thank you Animo for introducing us to extraordinary animals, I will now be even more eager to go and see our Beluga in the coming years!!!!
Louise Ross
Kathleen Matte
Sylvie Charbonneau
I’m happy to contribute to the collective adoption of the beluga Animo, the beluga beluga beloved of the TV series of the same name. For me, this superb beluga represents joy, authenticity and intuition. I wish her a long and healthy life. Thank you for continuing the research and monitoring. A simple and immediate gesture to support scientific research and publicize the history of these white whales; the best guarantees for their future.
Renée et Céline Poudriette
Katherine Gagnon
François Joly
Nadine Lebrasseur
The future of beluga whales is close to my heart, and I’m going to see them one day! Just as I go to see the whales in Gaspé! I’m a fish myself by being an assistant lifeguard! Long live…
Kim Dumaine
I hope we can adopt this beluga that cares for others!!!! I’m making my first small donation until I finish my studies.
Jacinthe Boisvert
I love belugas and thank you for protecting them!
Madeleine Filion
Josée Lachance
Remi Sinclair
Thank you for your service!
Sergine Desjardins
Louis Simard
I live in Baie-James and I know that by helping your research, I’m also helping the Jamesian ecosystem. Nice job gang!
Sophie Kurler
Long live the beluga Animo. Thank you to GREMM for introducing us to these magnificent beings and to Dr. Sébastien Kfoury for his passionate work in popularizing all animals. I love the Animo show!